Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Fri. Sept. 16. 2022 9:00 am
If I was the boss of the world, I would say "That's it .. 24/ 7 is STUPID .. there is no profit anyway being open ALL night .. AND! we are killing everyone's Health! Our body NEEDS sleep but also to not have its NATURAL Circadian Rhythm destroyed. People's schedules are CRAZY because of 24/7 (along with lack of Employee respect). There is no work routine and the rest of human LIFE can not be organized. All of life is owned by capitalism. The worship of "24/7 instant more" destroys every part of our Societal Health. (But we accepted it without pushback, so we are part of the problem).
So in my kingdom, instead of 24/7 we will GO DARK for 1/3 of the day! .. between 11:00 and 7 am there will be NO POWER, so people can SLEEP without 5G! Go home .. go to sleep! IMAGINE THE CLOUD ENERGY CONSERVATION!! We are going to die because as we push stupid electric cars (never a word about CONSERVING! ) .. BUT the CLOUD is using DOUBLE the power we ever used before!!!! Is that really improving quality of life? Think about it, our Health traded for saving selfies?
If JUST Bitcoin uses the equivalent of Argentina's total power usage .. imagine the usage of all the data stored "in the cloud". We are completely insane, have lost our common sense and even our HUMAN intelligence. In Reverse World we will just shut everything down from 11pm to 7 am. Would it not be awesome to just have to read by candlelight to DE STRESS, for a bit before actually sleeping? 😆 NO 5G frying our brains further .. BECAUSE THE WHOLE GRID OF EVERYTHING IS DOWN. Yeah, I wonder how many of you are leaving now .. saying "This lady is CRAZY". 🙈
It is totally a GREAT IDEA for our HEALTH .. BUT (as my daughter says ".. there is ALWAYS a "but" with you .. an excuse!" NO! How about "Heart" Right brain THINKING creates "buts"! The "BUT" of course is that we would need to stop travel, and go completely LOCAL, truly be pioneers again. If my niece came to visit even just from Calgary, her plane could not land because it arrived 2 hours later than the airport is open. Actually I think I have it backward .. Calgary is earlier .. but hopefully you catch my drift? European travel would not work because of time differences. So there goes the logic of my EXCELLENT idea. But, in our society today Left brain action CEOs would just go right ahead .. screw the consequences. But .. WRONG again! .. the Left Brains in power never THINK of others well being, only their own. No such project would be considered, because it does not involve PROFIT as goal.
I always wanted to be the DICTATOR and just make things FAIR and healthy and happy .. but FOR EVERYBODY! But like I said .. when you actually THINK about an idea and try to completely UNDERSTAND it .. IT IS A VERY HARD JOB TO BE a GOOD DICTATOR. Solutions to problems are never as easy as I thought. For decades I thought the answer was "JUST BE NICE, think of others first" .. that was the only commandment we needed. (yeah, isn't that what evil google said 20 years ago?) Wonderful, kind ideas always fall apart in the details! Damn! the world is HARD, just being FAIR is hard. My idea is that this could be "HARD heaven" here, if we try HARDER to be kind and FAIR. But when we get to REAL heaven it is all just EASY!! 😇 What a wonderful thought! I hope you all believe in heaven .. maybe it just got focused on more, if we had a lot of deaths in our life? But a reality or BELIEF in HEAVEN, is a calming thought to hang onto! I have no idea how (?atheists) manage without that HOPE in the background.
An octopus has 9 brains. Rather than dictator, I am the octopus head and my partners are the tentacle BRAINS each with their expertise area, all of us WORKING TOGETHER. My octopus head STRUCTURE of STANDARDS (not rigid rules), WILL work far better than me as DICTATOR! The people who are EXPERTS in each area will develop the actual project roll out. They can discuss and consider complications, finally choosing the BEST result. (I get the tie breaker vote and always the system has only one mission .. FAIR for all, both people and planet. For example womens' lib went extreme and lost any fairness to MEN. We are ALL just HUmans! There will be NO EXTREMES allowed in our "YOUme" Reverse World. ONLY BALANCE, which today's society has completely lost to simple demonization. REAL Solutions only come with taking the opposing idea or the "No, it won't work" and contemplating it FURTHER civily.
Sadly the Left brain ACTION people who run the world, never "heart" think! They just head or action think about profit . They would just run with my original quit 24/7 idea (IF they ever had a visionary idea) without contemplating the CONSEQUENCES of this "solution". HEY! They would NEVER in a million years have my idea .. because their brain focuses only on "Me/ mine, here, now". Shutting EVERYTHING down so we can sleep to look after our health, ALSO preventing 5G damage .. helps PEOPLE's well being. Left brain action minds think ONLY of their OWN well being!
Sadly far smarter people than me who study NEUROSCIENCE, the BRAIN, have discovered this is true. McGilchrist just says it more kindly than I do. (see Dr Iain McGilchrist also (TVO's "Divided Brain") This needs to be understood very quickly BY EVERYONE! There is SERIOUSLY little time left before the Left brains in power .. destroy our very humanity. Left brains GAIN power because "me first, screw you" life goals are so much easier and faster to accomplish. 🐢 vs 🐰 (But in the end we should win that race. The fable gives hope?)
When differentiating "SPECIAL", for the creating our own income segment, I used the TREE analogy (link). We are each SPECIAL, like every Tree is different and beautiful. But our FOREST (society) is more important than each individual tree. Our society is collapsing because we have put our SPECIALNESS before the greater good! (Thanks a lot, destructive of the normal structured society "free love" Boomers). This "I'm special" selfish SHALLOW behaviour over decades, has destroyed our society. The forest's HEALTH must come before one tree's individual well being. The whole forest would die of lack of water and food, if individual trees were selfish like we are.
We are each Special! .. No, NOT special at all! These opposing ideas might create confusion. I had been working on how our each special talents get us $ vs having to beg to THE MAN (us vs them). Creating our own income needs us to find our own SPECIALNESS to trade. But that is where "special" stops, and we are "YOUme" Reverse World truly "IN IT TOGETHER". EVERY tree (person) has special talents, but our REAL focus in "Reverse World" is our total forest or community's well being.
That was when I discovered the importance of fungus! Fungi are hugely wonderful and beneficial things we could not SURVIVE without! I had no clue! FUNGUS connect all the trees of the forest, bringing what an individual tree needs, from other locations. What a beautiful analogy for a COMMUNITY of connected, kind and considerate people! So our logo will be a wreath of DIFFERENT KINDS oftrees .. but all connected TOGETHER by the roots and FUNGUS that bring each tree in the forest what they individually need. Yes, we each ARE special and needed! Others will trade their skills for our SPECIAL god given TALENT. But except for our income, that "special" must come second to the needs of the whole community.
If I feel like screaming like I am being murdered this very moment, I will give a heart attack to quiet sensitive people around me. In our "YOUme" community we think of others well being BEFORE we act for the SELF. That used to be NORMAL human behaviour, somehow now missing. Maybe disabled Left brains truly can't THINK before they act? So we will have to decide if they go in an asylum? .. or we have civil war? Seriously! .. we are close to it especially America. Blood curdling Screaming for no reason? Yes, it goes on in the school below me all day. NO! You are NOT special. Get over yourself! 3 strikes and you are OFF our island. (Hope you have a boat! If you do not want to even be CONSIDERATE of others, you may drowned (die).) That is how URGENT our Societal collapse truly is.
I said OCTO- FUNGI is the solution to a flawed dictator. As dictator, I would make everything be QUIET, not LOUD and screaming .. as our society now is in EVERY single facet of our life. Even hair! screams .. it must now be a rainbow of colour. (please, just kill me .. everything is screaming at me!) I think us Right brains are more sensitive and therefore empathetic to others? It makes life hell to be sensitive in every way. Life has really become TORTURE to those of us not very balanced Right vs Left brains. A rather Balanced Right Left hemisphere brain is GOLDEN. A treasure so badly needed!
As a Right brain Octo-Fungi "dictator", I will be opposite to today's many LEFT brain power structure ACTION CEO's and managers. An OCTOPUS also has a brain in each of the 8 tentacles. My Blueprint or recipe for TOTAL Societal Health is the head of the octopus. BUT .. I am just the structure with the STANDARDS (basic commandments or FLEXIBLE Laws by which we run our LIVES and society.) I am the "SYSTEM Architect", but the 8 Octopus arm BRAINS, are the still human "developers" of each area. No "no longer HUMAN" corporate Partners are allowed (Fair Certified link). Each of them are connected to more Octopi structures that are connected even MORE by Fungi, providing ideas and ingredients needed. A connected society working together, instead of our disconnected SILOS.
Forgive my connecting land (fungi) and sea (Octopi) illogically .. but on more thought, it is not so wrong! .. EVERYTHING IS JUST ATMOSPHERE! We are the UNIVERSE. Everything is just space. My mistake of connecting an octopus to a fungus is actually awesome .. universe sent. EVERYTHING is connected! We are all of us things .. just ?energy! But we all affect each other. So let's make our affect on each other .. BETTER quality of life .. instead of WORSE AND WORSE! Together we will improve our TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH sharing our individual expertise in a kind community.
We can take personal responsibility and SACRIFICE now, or very soon it will be too late. We will have no choice becaseu we will be at war with neighbours and even family, not have enough food or be injured by our collapsing systems. Once we have no jobs (50% gone to A I by 2030) how will we eat? If the fires and drought destroy the food supply how do we eat? I think taking somme rRESPONSIBILITY and stopping our nonsense way of life might be smart .. WHILE WE STILL CAN. Once the robots have taken our jobs, they will care EVEN LESS abut us! In fact we will be a rodent enemy. We could rebel and destroy their properties etc. Many already think the vax is to kill us off. Just add concentrated sugar and we get even LESS healthy. And then stress will just worsen every disease that was inflamed by their vax.
Sacrificing just means stop with the EXTREME everything. Slow down o everything. buy less, use less, consume and conserve BUT by NOT using the products from large corporations. Enough with "shop small". We are not doing it! Cut out amazon .. even Walmart. I know then they cut jobs .. maybe we really ARE too late. We shipped right through to our demise. Humanity did themselves in .. and the Aliens in charge don't care since they must have a different WEIRD value system. Hopefully we can move quick with # ... FAIR Certified if they do not want us to shun them for buying and working.
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