Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
BUT WHY THE HELL MUST I FOLLOW ALL THESE INSTRUCTIONS, supposedly to SHOW I CARE about others .. WHEN THIS IS ALL A LIE!! .. A fear tactic to control us! Facts are twisted, EXAGGERATED, and omitted to suit the people who benefit .. and the rest who follow have lost their common sense. (First they fried our brains SERIOUSLY, with the toxins of "progress" for their own profit .. and now they want to just DO US IN!) There is no longer enough clean water, air and land to support us all .. and they feel we are "useless eaters". If you disagree .. read the COMMON SENSE LOGIC below.
A .. does A make sense?
B .. does B make sense?
c .. please use LOGIC here .. make sense?
D .. Sorry .. face it .. the toxins of "progress" have destroyed our brain wiring
E .. terrifying .. which do you think it is?
F .. yes F!!!! O M G .. I forgot the most important PROOF!!
Anyway if you are still believing the "covid FEAR INCREASE manufacture" you probably won't want to be part of our (simplify and sacrifice all their crap buy in .. cut out the power structure) group.
Hope is a great Resource for us to have..
Faith that ('god', Heaven or 'a better hereafter') exists, gives us a hopeful focus. We can reach out to Religion .. or like me, just make up our own? Surely we believe somebody created this amazing world! There had to be a manager CEO for it to turn out so awesome. A "Management Team" of dems and republicans would still be arguing about the colour of the sky! Nah, only one brilliant LEADER organized our planet or system. Religions each interpreted this management in their own way. This has only divided us! Maybe we should just ALL RESPECT "the Creator" of our amazing world .. and then together, ACT with respect for all.
There HAD to be a brilliant CEO LEADER to produce a generally BLUE calming sky (vs red), and soothing GREEN trees, not ORANGE all year. Imagine the stress we would feel if everything had been made red and orange. We would all wonder why we wanted to commit suicide! Colours can alert us to danger, or calm us and reduce stress. An awesome Manager (god) made the water BLUE, not brown or red. Can you imagine! Picture yourself in that chaotic earth and tell me there is no (god)!
Believing in a kind and generous Supreme Leader is calming. Surely if we do our best to try to behave like a "supreme being" .. kind and considerate .. we will move on to heaven? So even if we are starving .. we know the next phase will be wonderful. (Darn .. for me though .. NYC is seriously Heaven! If you love architecture, history, nice people and being surrounded by water, what else could it be but "Heaven"?)
Which takes us to the Scientific or Quantum brand of HOPE. The concept of what IS .. REALITY? Could even here and now be "Heaven"? .. if we just GET A CONSCIOUS VS OBLIVIOUS BRAIN, and consider others first. I would think moving to a higher level of consciousness, which the Schumann Resonance may suggest .. would have us behaving better than we now do. Sorry, but our Pre covid Society was pretty much "me first, screw you".
With your extra free time you could research what "Reality" is? .. creating your own reality? (The Secret?) plus Quantum Physics, and the Schumann Resonance. Dr Joe Dispenza has a very calming explanation of the change in earth's ohm of 7.8. He speaks of this speeding, as us moving to a higher level of consciousness! I quit reading there because that would be heaven! .. if we were all just thinking, considerate of others, decent civil human beings! = heaven to me! (sorry, I am slow with everything, therefore I often have to be LAZY.) ..and maybe ? .. (good guy/ bad guy does not work)
If we are nice to each other = (heaven) or the "Reverse World" we can now create. The Great "RESET" can be our Utopia. We have created Dystopia, by using the web as the "be all end all" .. extreme and un-contemplative of consequences. Let's use digital as the awesome tool it is, but remember that REAL People are still a more important resource than 5G data and A I. If we were all considerate, kind and fair to each other, would that not be a kind of heaven?
Maybe those who want to remain with an addicted to MORE .. greedy, disrespectful and collapsing Society, can stay behind? Is that purgatory? .. or do they just get the hell they chose to create? Our Society was collapsing before this Pandemic. Citizens were brain dead, perhaps because they were working 24/7 still unable to pay rent. OR, "sugar and search brain dead"? .. just "brain dead" because being raised as SPECIAL, made them self absorbed rude jerks. Is Hell just inconsiderate selfish people?
Society was also collapsing because Corporations had taken Capitalism too far. Every one of our Systems was unsustainable. Never mind climate change .. way too late to wake up for that. Too many of us had quit contemplative thinking. Populations who ignore both causes and consequence of actions, will fail. And most of us had quit taking any Personal Responsibility to think any FURTHER than our immediate desires. Is that Dystopia (poor Societal Health) just purgatory? Then we can take back Personal Responsibility and take back control, for better quality of life.
We forgot we can barter, trade time exchanging our skills. Maybe your landlord needs a website and you have that capability. Maybe he is busy and has no time to help his invalid mom? What about walking his dog, or cleaning his place, if he is crazy busy at his Restaurant? There are all kinds of creative ways we can trade our expertise. Then we can keep our scarce $ for emergency use only.
Now it is actually possible to create our own Trading System and replace the Almighty $. While we develop our own "Universal Wage / Blockchain Trade" invention, we need to be creative and make do with a little more trading difficulty. The Mission is to keep our Resources between us. We will only share our valuable PEOPLE resources with those Corporations that respect Employees and Customers, the Environment and paying their FAIR share of taxes. (B Corp PLUS Certification) Taxes run our current Shared Systems, but "little people" pay most of them! This can no longer stand. "Time is money" but Corporations forgot they need some of us to increase time available to them. (Replacing us with robots, the lack of jobs will only increase crime and lessen their quality of life.)
Seems crazy to be told to learn to Meditate, when our rent can't be paid! But, it really will help us magically feel that we have little tiny bit of CONTROL over our life! We need to work on our Mental Health to keep us sane from this overwhelming stress. If we keep ourselves calm, we also keep our Physical Health in check. Headaches or returning TMJ, etc. are a result of clenching our body in stress. (See Breathe) for soothing ART video. Time has little value when we feel terrible, and are overwhelmed by stress.
We can invest our time in envisioning new ways to improve our Societal Health. With our Great "RESET", we will create an even better Society, after this difficulty is over. ATTITUDE is everything. We can apply "the placebo affect" to our new "Life Health Intelligence" to make a "better" reality. People who believe their "Wonder Drug Trial" will help them get better, DO get better ! .. even when it was only a sugar pill. Let's BELIEVE things will end up BETTER, AFTER THIS "GREAT" RESET".
We minimized Health into lack of Disease or Health "care" thinking. Also we often mistakenly just consider PHYSICAL well being. Finally we are recognizing the great importance of our Mental Health. Yet the stigma persists in (UN-intelligent) people, forever. Maybe with this Great RESET we actually will end the stigma of mental illness? Maybe even those thinking it labels one as WEAK ..will themselves struggle? Unless we think Heart Disease or Cancer shows inherently WEAK character, why would a Brain malfunction show weakness?
We also neglected Societal Health. Societal Health includes everything we need for a GOOD quality of life, including security, "Civil" interactions and lack of constant division. For true Population Health our Societal Systems must all function well. Education, Health"care", Infrastructure, even the "economy" was NOT functioning well for "We the people".
Good supportive Communities are huge resources for our well being. Recently our Societal Health has been lost to divisiveness, and incivility. Perhaps covid will make us realize we are all in a sinking boat! .. and we really should bail TOGETHER? Keeping ourselves calm and connected will keep our Physical Health in check. Stress causes every disease to become worse. Even if you don't have Diabetes or Arthritis, surely we have more Headaches or returning TMJ etc. with this new anxiety. Return to the BREATHE section often, leave a window open with it and fill that screen with the "gift of calm". (sorry still need to learn to loop it, but then you pay 5$)
There are so many Resources we each have, but were never taught or reminded of there importance. What do you love doing? What is really easy for you? What have you learned to do well? I have been trying to create my book website for years. Finally I am excited that I sort of .. know what I am doing re very basic web building. I could make a site for someone in my building and ? .. they could bring me the Dinner they made anyway, every day for a month. In this "no pay check" crisis, we need to start to think more creatively! we used to get along with barter in pioneer times. Sometimes in today's overwhelming overload, some of us wonder .. was that maybe better? We maybe consider escaping to a Amish community?
We need to study our special gifts and then think how we can trade them. we must remind ourselves what our special talent, or skill is that we can share with our new community. Our Tech members will work to figure out the new Trade system. (The Blockchain). By 2021, our actual REAL COMMUNITY LOCATIONS will start to be replicated across the country. Go to "Mission" bottom of that page.
Barter is hard, but we WILL eventually create our own Trading system like money .. only ours with no Middleman, the .01%. Our community will give each person the "trade units" to live decently. Established Fortune 500 Corporations will need to become B Corp PLUS Members in order to obtain our buy in. We can be like Mennonites for awhile if need be, but the .01% gets their $$$ from CITIZENS, their consumers. They are not as wealthy when we have no $ with which to buy. No jobs means no $ to buy stuff OR experiences! (See section on us all losing our brain power.) What part of that do Corporations not understand in their drive to remove us from their costs? Yes, a robot is cheaper and does not get sick, but "Sir! he won't be buying you stuff!" We have ALL lost our mind, sorry .. sugar fried our brains.
With the Pandemic (plan-demic?) we are learning how to consume less, expect less, but actually enjoy more. This is a great OPPORTUNITY for us to take back control. There is not a chance the .01% should have as much wealth as the entire masses of Citizens. 'We the people" have an opportunity to change the status quo at this time. By reducing our old "ADDICTION to MORE, and faster" .. we can share our OWN Resources for a BETTER quality of life. We can build a "utopia", but with a new Trading System, including a Universal base wage. But in "Reverse World" Everyone WORKS for it. (?Shaker Heights) more research needed, but nice how back then, "wealthy" did not indicate more MONEY. REAL Wealth is more than $.
(Apologies that site is incomplete. The briefness of this section in NO WAY indicates it is less important.) Connecting and Belonging is actually probably our MOST important resource, therefore requiring lots of time to complete. It gives us our sense of VALUE, our self esteem and self confidence! I believe had Miss Oprah not had that one person in her life that praised her, she would just be another of us 'lowly people'. Much research would agree. ( see Radha Agrawal, "BELONG" book, p 17, "a feeling of ACCEPTANCE" that some of us never get, or feel! PS If I saw her online, I would think her one of those Instagram "arrogant-ee" influencers .. but I actually met her and she is lovely!) A sense of acceptance is everything .. giving us the self confidence to achieve more.
Especially today, isolation is also very bad for our Total Health. Although we previously needed to DECREASE our digital addiction, in this crisis, it is finally a Life Line .. if used properly. (Otherwise it is just a total waste of our greatest resource .. TIME, after our HEALTH that is. Instead of silly "shared" (competitive) experiences and Youtube videos, INVEST your time in learning IMPORTANT things.
PS ..
This is not and exhaustive Resource list. It would seem Self value and Confidence are most important! Otherwise Self Sabotage will keep destroying our abilities. Loving family and friends help to prevent this.
In the last few decades we have become more and more focused on Money and saving time. Convenience, simple and easy became our addiction. Is it possible this also became true with SEARCH? We became simple minded because it is much easier to just get a quick answer from google then do our own in depth research.
Maybe our addiction to simple and easy will be our undoing in the field of human INTELLIGENCE. Information we consume is just stuff, words, ideas from the loudest, most promoted or .. just those lucky enough to be on PAGE ONE of Google search. How many of us even go to Google's page 2? That is RIDICULOUS!! So google owns our brain! I am guilty like everyone else and I ranted sugar water (coke) was bad for us when I was 10! We have all really "lost our mind". Investigative reporting is now apparently "fake news"? People, Human Intelligence (NOT A I) and our good Brain and Body Health are our best resource. ( ..not A I Data and info).
We have so many resources available to us, yet we became addicted just to MORE, more stuff and experiences. We needed money for MORE and with too many choices we needed more TIME. But we forgot the most important resources, our Health and our talents and skills. We could trade what we have or are good at ..and not even NEED money. Money is just easier than barter, but today Blockchain can change that. If your skill is technology, please research this huge coming disruption, (apparently bigger than the internet?). Please bring us a way to trade our resources, where we don't need to beg the banks or big corporations for our livelihood.
Until then, life will be complicated without jobs and money to pay rent. But let's be creative and believe it won't always be hard. And we sure are not alone in our struggle and fear. Remember to breathe and at least FEEL a little like you have some control. A less anxious brain is always more creative and productive.
Let's quit begging for jobs! We don't need companies to give us jobs. We can create our own "income" by trading our plant growing skill with someone's hair cutting skill, our computer skill with someone's cooking joy. We don't need to beg for jobs, but we gave up our personal responsibility, and now forgot we can take back control of our lives. Don't blame anybody but ourselves, for giving up our power!
We trade our own resources in a shared Community mission. The Blockchain can make this easy for us. And our community will pay a floor sweeper a LIVING wage with enough thrown in for some fun! And there will be many ways to create extra income, if it is desired, as in "revised capitalism". But that Blockchain Trade technology is way beyond my "tech- less brain". (Hey, my skill is the Resource Management we taught in Home Economics .. before it was "evil -ly" cut from the High School curriculum!) There are ways we can make $ go further until then.
It means we don't have to barter. You can bake your pie for me in one area of the city, have it delivered by someone whose resource is a CAR, while I "pay" you by making your website in a distant part of the city. We need to focus more on local because Global has killed us. We forgot the importance of CONNECTION in a local community. Neighbourhoods are important! But we got too greedy for MORE, new different, cooler, "better". Now we have the chance for a RESET. Down the road in "Reverse World" the Blockchain will form our Member trading "paper".
believing something WILL work is a huge resource.
Copyright © 2020 TOTAL Health .. both Personal and Societal - All Rights Reserved.
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Maybe we are terrified of worse .. than the Virus. We can find Hope Spiritually or .. Scientifically
Hope is a great Resource for us to have..
Faith that ('god', Heaven or 'a better hereafter') exists, gives us a hopeful focus. We can reach out to Religion .. or like me, just make up our own? Surely we believe somebody created this amazing world! There had to be a manager CEO for it to turn out so awesome. A "Management Team" of dems and republicans would still be arguing about the colour of the sky! Nah, only one brilliant LEADER organized our planet or system. Religions each interpreted this management in their own way. This has only divided us! Maybe we should just ALL RESPECT "the Creator" of our amazing world .. and then together, ACT with respect for all.
There HAD to be a brilliant CEO LEADER to produce a generally BLUE calming sky (vs red), and soothing GREEN trees, not ORANGE all year. Imagine the stress we would feel if everything had been made red and orange. We would all wonder why we wanted to commit suicide! Colours can alert us to danger, or calm us and reduce stress. An awesome Manager (god) made the water BLUE, not brown or red. Can you imagine! Picture yourself in that chaotic earth and tell me there is no (god)!
Believing in a kind and generous Supreme Leader is calming. Surely if we do our best to try to behave like a "supreme being" .. kind and considerate .. we will move on to heaven? So even if we are starving .. we know the next phase will be wonderful. (Darn .. for me though .. NYC is seriously Heaven! If you love architecture, history, nice people and being surrounded by water, what else could it be but "Heaven"?)
Which takes us to the Scientific or Quantum brand of HOPE. The concept of what IS .. REALITY? Could even here and now be "Heaven"? .. if we just GET A CONSCIOUS VS OBLIVIOUS BRAIN, and consider others first. I would think moving to a higher level of consciousness, which the Schumann Resonance may suggest .. would have us behaving better than we now do. Sorry, but our Pre covid Society was pretty much "me first, screw you".
"Reality?", Quantum Physics .. and the Schumann Resonance!
With your extra free time you could research what "Reality" is? .. creating your own reality? (The Secret?) plus Quantum Physics, and the Schumann Resonance. Dr Joe Dispenza has a very calming explanation of the change in earth's ohm of 7.8. He speaks of this speeding, as us moving to a higher level of consciousness! I quit reading there because that would be heaven! .. if we were all just thinking, considerate of others, decent civil human beings! = heaven to me! (sorry, I am slow with everything, therefore I often have to be LAZY.) ..and maybe ? .. (good guy/ bad guy does not work)
If we are nice to each other = (heaven) or the "Reverse World" we can now create. The Great "RESET" can be our Utopia. We have created Dystopia, by using the web as the "be all end all" .. extreme and un-contemplative of consequences. Let's use digital as the awesome tool it is, but remember that REAL People are still a more important resource than 5G data and A I. If we were all considerate, kind and fair to each other, would that not be a kind of heaven?
Hell? Purgatory?
Maybe those who want to remain with an addicted to MORE .. greedy, disrespectful and collapsing Society, can stay behind? Is that purgatory? .. or do they just get the hell they chose to create? Our Society was collapsing before this Pandemic. Citizens were brain dead, perhaps because they were working 24/7 still unable to pay rent. OR, "sugar and search brain dead"? .. just "brain dead" because being raised as SPECIAL, made them self absorbed rude jerks. Is Hell just inconsiderate selfish people?
Society was also collapsing because Corporations had taken Capitalism too far. Every one of our Systems was unsustainable. Never mind climate change .. way too late to wake up for that. Too many of us had quit contemplative thinking. Populations who ignore both causes and consequence of actions, will fail. And most of us had quit taking any Personal Responsibility to think any FURTHER than our immediate desires. Is that Dystopia (poor Societal Health) just purgatory? Then we can take back Personal Responsibility and take back control, for better quality of life.
TIME .. traded for expertise - Old Barter, or new Trading Systems ..
We forgot we can barter, trade time exchanging our skills. Maybe your landlord needs a website and you have that capability. Maybe he is busy and has no time to help his invalid mom? What about walking his dog, or cleaning his place, if he is crazy busy at his Restaurant? There are all kinds of creative ways we can trade our expertise. Then we can keep our scarce $ for emergency use only.
Now it is actually possible to create our own Trading System and replace the Almighty $. While we develop our own "Universal Wage / Blockchain Trade" invention, we need to be creative and make do with a little more trading difficulty. The Mission is to keep our Resources between us. We will only share our valuable PEOPLE resources with those Corporations that respect Employees and Customers, the Environment and paying their FAIR share of taxes. (B Corp PLUS Certification) Taxes run our current Shared Systems, but "little people" pay most of them! This can no longer stand. "Time is money" but Corporations forgot they need some of us to increase time available to them. (Replacing us with robots, the lack of jobs will only increase crime and lessen their quality of life.)
Breathing and Mind Control
Seems crazy to be told to learn to Meditate, when our rent can't be paid! But, it really will help us magically feel that we have little tiny bit of CONTROL over our life! We need to work on our Mental Health to keep us sane from this overwhelming stress. If we keep ourselves calm, we also keep our Physical Health in check. Headaches or returning TMJ, etc. are a result of clenching our body in stress. (See Breathe) for soothing ART video. Time has little value when we feel terrible, and are overwhelmed by stress.
ATTITUDE .. Focusing on Hope and new possibilities,
We can invest our time in envisioning new ways to improve our Societal Health. With our Great "RESET", we will create an even better Society, after this difficulty is over. ATTITUDE is everything. We can apply "the placebo affect" to our new "Life Health Intelligence" to make a "better" reality. People who believe their "Wonder Drug Trial" will help them get better, DO get better ! .. even when it was only a sugar pill. Let's BELIEVE things will end up BETTER, AFTER THIS "GREAT" RESET".
Health .. our biggest RESOURCE
We minimized Health into lack of Disease or Health "care" thinking. Also we often mistakenly just consider PHYSICAL well being. Finally we are recognizing the great importance of our Mental Health. Yet the stigma persists in (UN-intelligent) people, forever. Maybe with this Great RESET we actually will end the stigma of mental illness? Maybe even those thinking it labels one as WEAK ..will themselves struggle? Unless we think Heart Disease or Cancer shows inherently WEAK character, why would a Brain malfunction show weakness?
We also neglected Societal Health. Societal Health includes everything we need for a GOOD quality of life, including security, "Civil" interactions and lack of constant division. For true Population Health our Societal Systems must all function well. Education, Health"care", Infrastructure, even the "economy" was NOT functioning well for "We the people".
Good supportive Communities are huge resources for our well being. Recently our Societal Health has been lost to divisiveness, and incivility. Perhaps covid will make us realize we are all in a sinking boat! .. and we really should bail TOGETHER? Keeping ourselves calm and connected will keep our Physical Health in check. Stress causes every disease to become worse. Even if you don't have Diabetes or Arthritis, surely we have more Headaches or returning TMJ etc. with this new anxiety. Return to the BREATHE section often, leave a window open with it and fill that screen with the "gift of calm". (sorry still need to learn to loop it, but then you pay 5$)
Skills, Talents, Expertise, Intelligence, etc
There are so many Resources we each have, but were never taught or reminded of there importance. What do you love doing? What is really easy for you? What have you learned to do well? I have been trying to create my book website for years. Finally I am excited that I sort of .. know what I am doing re very basic web building. I could make a site for someone in my building and ? .. they could bring me the Dinner they made anyway, every day for a month. In this "no pay check" crisis, we need to start to think more creatively! we used to get along with barter in pioneer times. Sometimes in today's overwhelming overload, some of us wonder .. was that maybe better? We maybe consider escaping to a Amish community?
We need to study our special gifts and then think how we can trade them. we must remind ourselves what our special talent, or skill is that we can share with our new community. Our Tech members will work to figure out the new Trade system. (The Blockchain). By 2021, our actual REAL COMMUNITY LOCATIONS will start to be replicated across the country. Go to "Mission" bottom of that page.
Barter is hard, but we WILL eventually create our own Trading system like money .. only ours with no Middleman, the .01%. Our community will give each person the "trade units" to live decently. Established Fortune 500 Corporations will need to become B Corp PLUS Members in order to obtain our buy in. We can be like Mennonites for awhile if need be, but the .01% gets their $$$ from CITIZENS, their consumers. They are not as wealthy when we have no $ with which to buy. No jobs means no $ to buy stuff OR experiences! (See section on us all losing our brain power.) What part of that do Corporations not understand in their drive to remove us from their costs? Yes, a robot is cheaper and does not get sick, but "Sir! he won't be buying you stuff!" We have ALL lost our mind, sorry .. sugar fried our brains.
With the Pandemic (plan-demic?) we are learning how to consume less, expect less, but actually enjoy more. This is a great OPPORTUNITY for us to take back control. There is not a chance the .01% should have as much wealth as the entire masses of Citizens. 'We the people" have an opportunity to change the status quo at this time. By reducing our old "ADDICTION to MORE, and faster" .. we can share our OWN Resources for a BETTER quality of life. We can build a "utopia", but with a new Trading System, including a Universal base wage. But in "Reverse World" Everyone WORKS for it. (?Shaker Heights) more research needed, but nice how back then, "wealthy" did not indicate more MONEY. REAL Wealth is more than $.
Community, Connection and Belonging
(Apologies that site is incomplete. The briefness of this section in NO WAY indicates it is less important.) Connecting and Belonging is actually probably our MOST important resource, therefore requiring lots of time to complete. It gives us our sense of VALUE, our self esteem and self confidence! I believe had Miss Oprah not had that one person in her life that praised her, she would just be another of us 'lowly people'. Much research would agree. ( see Radha Agrawal, "BELONG" book, p 17, "a feeling of ACCEPTANCE" that some of us never get, or feel! PS If I saw her online, I would think her one of those Instagram "arrogant-ee" influencers .. but I actually met her and she is lovely!) A sense of acceptance is everything .. giving us the self confidence to achieve more.
Especially today, isolation is also very bad for our Total Health. Although we previously needed to DECREASE our digital addiction, in this crisis, it is finally a Life Line .. if used properly. (Otherwise it is just a total waste of our greatest resource .. TIME, after our HEALTH that is. Instead of silly "shared" (competitive) experiences and Youtube videos, INVEST your time in learning IMPORTANT things.
PS ..
This is not and exhaustive Resource list. It would seem Self value and Confidence are most important! Otherwise Self Sabotage will keep destroying our abilities. Loving family and friends help to prevent this.
Either way .. we forgot PEOPLE and their HEALTH is the most VALUABLE ASSET a country has.
In the last few decades we have become more and more focused on Money and saving time. Convenience, simple and easy became our addiction. Is it possible this also became true with SEARCH? We became simple minded because it is much easier to just get a quick answer from google then do our own in depth research.
Maybe our addiction to simple and easy will be our undoing in the field of human INTELLIGENCE. Information we consume is just stuff, words, ideas from the loudest, most promoted or .. just those lucky enough to be on PAGE ONE of Google search. How many of us even go to Google's page 2? That is RIDICULOUS!! So google owns our brain! I am guilty like everyone else and I ranted sugar water (coke) was bad for us when I was 10! We have all really "lost our mind". Investigative reporting is now apparently "fake news"? People, Human Intelligence (NOT A I) and our good Brain and Body Health are our best resource. ( ..not A I Data and info).
We have so many resources available to us, yet we became addicted just to MORE, more stuff and experiences. We needed money for MORE and with too many choices we needed more TIME. But we forgot the most important resources, our Health and our talents and skills. We could trade what we have or are good at ..and not even NEED money. Money is just easier than barter, but today Blockchain can change that. If your skill is technology, please research this huge coming disruption, (apparently bigger than the internet?). Please bring us a way to trade our resources, where we don't need to beg the banks or big corporations for our livelihood.
Until then, life will be complicated without jobs and money to pay rent. But let's be creative and believe it won't always be hard. And we sure are not alone in our struggle and fear. Remember to breathe and at least FEEL a little like you have some control. A less anxious brain is always more creative and productive.
Let's quit begging for jobs! We don't need companies to give us jobs. We can create our own "income" by trading our plant growing skill with someone's hair cutting skill, our computer skill with someone's cooking joy. We don't need to beg for jobs, but we gave up our personal responsibility, and now forgot we can take back control of our lives. Don't blame anybody but ourselves, for giving up our power!
We trade our own resources in a shared Community mission. The Blockchain can make this easy for us. And our community will pay a floor sweeper a LIVING wage with enough thrown in for some fun! And there will be many ways to create extra income, if it is desired, as in "revised capitalism". But that Blockchain Trade technology is way beyond my "tech- less brain". (Hey, my skill is the Resource Management we taught in Home Economics .. before it was "evil -ly" cut from the High School curriculum!) There are ways we can make $ go further until then.
It means we don't have to barter. You can bake your pie for me in one area of the city, have it delivered by someone whose resource is a CAR, while I "pay" you by making your website in a distant part of the city. We need to focus more on local because Global has killed us. We forgot the importance of CONNECTION in a local community. Neighbourhoods are important! But we got too greedy for MORE, new different, cooler, "better". Now we have the chance for a RESET. Down the road in "Reverse World" the Blockchain will form our Member trading "paper".
The Placebo Effect
believing something WILL work is a huge resource.
Copyright © 2020 TOTAL Health .. both Personal and Societal - All Rights Reserved.
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Copyright © 2020 the Great RESET - All Rights Reserved.
TIME lost TODAY, can never be INVESTED Tomorrow