Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Wed. Aug. 24, 2022. 2:00 pm.
Now I hate ads and people talking about travel or new expensive shoes becaseu so many young people are stressed and anxious JUST to pay rent and still EAT. They may never have a nice vacation or a car. A lot of young people can't even have kids because their income is so insecure. Employees get no respect.. they are just pawns to make profit. If a robot or A I can do the work .. be assured you troublesome human WILL BE GONE. Self absorbed selfish people can enjoy life anyway .. but if you are thoughtful and empathetic, this loss of POSSIBILITY for many creates despair
If we design a SYSTEM that can work better, and we all stick together sacrificing any connection with THEM in any way, they will soon remember WE ARE THE REAL BOSSES! We do all their work so they can profit .. but then we BUY their stuff so they profit! ARE WE IDIOTS??? YES .. and here are the reasons ..
We do their work, then we buy their stuff and who benefits? THEY profit from us in every way, not paying or respecting workers enough and then selling us the very crap they make profit from! We are treated like garbage, no respect no fairness or humanity in the economic system. Profit is god, not god made HUMANS.
They actually made us into sheep in case you do not already recognize that! .. phone faced combined "follower sheep and worker ants". People have become so stupid (is shallow a nicer word?) that they constantly walk into me on the sidewalk. I use to want to kill them until I realized they are not devaluing me .. saying I do not exist or am not important .. they are clueless! I saw a woman stand in the busy street oblivious to danger becaseu she was talking. The evil Power structure (well at least left brain maybe just stupid vs evil?) has fried our brain so. we do not ask questions or THINK!
So many ways they pulled this off. (you do know that like 10 families run the world don't you? Why do you think nothing works for US. Works great for you if rich right? Those are their luckies .. people who will do ANYTHING to be rich .. people who have lost their soul.
We are sheep followers, running like ants at work because ..
With having destroyed all our types of resources other than the almighty $$, there is no POSSBILITY for a good future quality of life. But we must hope that with our DEMANDS The power structure will wake up and hopefully begin to use their brain. There obsession with profit has almost pt us over the edge. There is a brief opening for us to wake up and maybe nature, war or the police will not take us out.
Hah .. I have no self discipline .. what am I talking about? I kind of am GETTING self discipline just thinknig DAMN I will NO LONGER SUPPORT GALEN WESTON. Hey! great idea .. if we buy ONLY sale stuff we will be helping him LOSE money. If he paid 2$ for my water but on sale it is 2 for 3$ to go to shoppers would cause him to LOSE money thanks yo me. That inspires me to TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!
So angry Bec raised price of fav meal (shepherds pie) .. pay more money PLUS half filled tray PLUS added corn to reduce cost of meet
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