Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Fri. Sept 30, 2022. 8:00 am
a nun 's face AND body can be seen. But yes .. this takes lots more thinkng (Carlos!) I think it somehow makes me feel they are giving the middle finger to the country they "escaped" to. No respect for CANAA .. which is NOT your country. With so much DIVISION how do we be one? humans! I don't go to your country and wear (slut) clothes! I would SHOW MORE RESPECT.
The problem is .. do people who sign these things actually THINK about the implications of their choice?? Fine wear your hijab but I won't talk to you Bec you do not respect you have taken the ADVANTAGES of my country but do not want to BE a part of its culture. To me it is divisive. we welcomed you but noe are supposed to change for YOU instead of actually BECOME MORE CONNECTED. So we are supposed to DIVIDE for immigrants instead of THEM becoming "Canadian" .. which is why I love AMERICA. They are PROUD to be American (or used to be?) Wecare a mish mash of nothing, our Reverse world is made up of humans and I have hijabs becaseu they are scarry .. and why does that PERSON, A SPECIAL talents human have to hide themselves?
PS .. I am reacting same old same old .. when i have time I will use the CARLOS Teaching to look at why I react this way .. why immigrants make me feel they do NOT respect Canada .. that most are NOT refugees but entitled selfish people, UNWILLING to appreciate we gave them an opportunity. And if you just YELL at me, it is proof you never listened or heard the IDEA .. and that you do NOT THINK past A .. to B and C!! You are VIRTUE SIGNALLING! Because there IS validity to my thinking and you should ALSO have the decency to consider how YOUR idea can be wrong. Opposing ideas must be reconsidered and re-thought! I am sick to death of only ME wondering if I am wrong, in my circle of shallow thinkers. We ALL should think FURTHER and reconsider our view.
I think we are so overwhelmed and STRESSED that some things get set aside from TIME REQUIRED FOR THINKING! Like right now I have no time to PONDER this, so I continue to RESENT immigrants who talk loud in THEIR LANGUAGE! (even wearing a hijab adding insult) to showing NO PRIDE in Canada.
We become MYOPIC (short sighted) becauseu there is no time to think of all that ENTERS OUR WIDER VISION. SEEING everything FAR sighted is far more complicated. Seeing straight ahead SIMPLIFIES. And we need simple in our CRAZY "quality less" but full of "stuff" lives.
Millenials said they wanted EXPERIENCES not stuff .. but just like us stupid "free love" hippies .. it is TOO MUCH. we take everything to TOO MUCH! EXTREME destroys everything. EXTREME IS THE ENEMY. Can we MODERATE our competitive nature a bit and just BALANCE the use of everything? That would also be CONSERVING. Unless we learn to reduce the extreme and CONSERVE we are done. Too stupid to live. Is anybody conserving water or electricity use. I bet not! Soon you won't have a choice! Easier to learn now I would say.
unbelievable .. read last line statistic .. so often now I just want to bring up, feel so sick to my stomach at what I see and hear. I think it is time for me to turn ZOMBIE too, just to SURVIVE! .. our world has finally decayed into HELL. I thought CHANGE.org was the best thing ever .. but it just makes me see we are even FAR more messed up than I knew!
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