Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Thurs. Aug. 25, 2022, 2:00 pm. (Right brain Turtle vs Left brain Hare)
You did not wonder and worry and RESEARCH, investigate, analyze .. you ran off with action, without CONTEMPLATING BEFORE DOING. Now everything in society is a disaster, because YOU FAST GUYS NEVER LISTENED TO US SLOW .. but THINKING TURTLES. You run off with your "A" idea .. never thinking of the B (or but's) or the C (causes and consequences)! How do you expect REAL success. Of course you get FAST success but now we see the collapse of everything becaseu of SHALLOW SELFISH "Leadership". it has not been REAL leadership because that used to be a positive word. Pure politics desirous ONLY of control vs win win will create a terrible society. Exactly what we have every single system is collapsing!
The race we WANT to win .. where decent quality of life exists for all is only won by slow PLODDING questions and WONDERING. What caused the problem? What will be the consequences of our action ("solution"?). We want the BEST solution not the fastest!! That takes time discussion and compromise. Sadly hares have no PATIENCE for that. They win most races ("succeed" and TAKE POWER) becaseu we are trying to pERFECT the solution. But hares or Left brain ACTION PEOPLE have spent 50 years acting with ONE GOAL .. PROFIT.
This explains the A-B-C of a Thinker Tirtle's mind vs the A .. "let's go" Har'e mind. I picked up a new Lysol spray some time ago, the same I thought as I have used for years. Could not figure why some things smelled disgusting. It was that spray and that rid smell almost made me sick! So since I write task lists and get nothing done I figured it's an excuse NOW .. to buy a Wendy's breakfast at the same time as EXCHANGING it. I shop in that Shopper's DAILY, even buy all my food there. When the girl was all "you have to have the receipt" and illogical, I got frustrated. Do you keep all your receipts for ages. We have to start taking back everything that does not work or is a con. A practise for our May1 workers strike.
She was refusing to make a simple exchange. In frustration, I said "That's stupid, this is your fault and you need to exchange it!" Had she not been so lacking in common sense, I would have continued and said "all you big companies should work together for your CUSTOMER"S benefit. Share with corporate when you do stupid things to us. Tell them not to change the smell, but keep the colour of the can 95% the same. The name of the SMELL is very tiny. Why when I am almost a DAILY customer, can this not be a SIMPLE exchange??? Well of course becaseu the computer and UPS code OWN us, never common sense! But the DEATH of common sense was written in (1995) by Philip Howard.
She repeated my (it being their fault to the manager), which of course sounded completely stupid OUT OF CONTEXT. I agree .. but so today I learned this is like Reagan's "if you are explaining .. you are losing". I did sound like a crazy person and maybe I WAS. It just seems since it is "us against THEM" that the "Them" should at least work together for US .. yes that shopper pair are right .. I am a crazy lady!! Nothing is meant to work for us today !! All today is purely to destroy any control we have at all.
The frustration of everything being so complex and idiot without common sense, is making more and more of us crazy! Since I am always there, just check the can does seem full, and exchange it! The inventory will not collapse with such a profound error of 1 wrong UPS codes! Any way .. if big companies want to control us .. they should take responsibility for their herd of sheep.No wonder I think the world is WEIRD. It thinks I am the weird one. 😪 It is true still (decent?) slave owners probably treated the slaves they owned better than today? They wanted their PROPERTY to be able to work hard and long for them. Employers today could care less about any other BEING, but their profit. Note please I am always talking big corporation. Small business may treat employees badly only because struggling so not because INHUMAN.
But the answer can not be simply "what makes us the most profit?". Strange how 2 people Rand and Friedman were able to hijack an entire country's focus. The sheep wanted MORE, faster and easier, and the "shepherd" CEO's just wanted $$$. Maybe the ant comparison is better I don't like shepherd we think they are kind. is there a queen in the ant hill? She makes everybody work like hell and she just sits on the throne!😲
Shallow simple one goal thinking that profit is the only VALUE has destroyed our society. We are going to change that becaseu we KNOW .. there are so many more important RESURCES than a piece gof paper to trade. And with our brilliance and the BLOCKCHAIN there are all manner of "bank Accounts" we can create! a ME one (personal), a WE one (community), and an US VALUE account (our society)! We have spent about 7 decades withdrawing from EVERY VALUE (BANK) ACCOUNT!! Our "Reverse World" Collaborative will build a new TRADE SYSTEM involving ALL human Value .. not just paper as our god of money and profit. Respecting employees and the earth and each other will INCREASE our assets .. with resources for EVERYONE to have a decent life .. not just the greedy Left brain .1%.
"Its your fault I don't like the smell (got the wrong lysol spray)" allowed her to make me look very stupid. This is what goes on now on TV, in media and especially in politics. It can NOT work. It is shallow selfish simple minded = STUPID.
We are losing our humanity! Always FIRST thinking, considering, contemplating opposing ideas to evaluate and analyze them is the only way we can KEEP our humanity. We have to work together, becaseu both RIGHT (thinking) AND Left (ACT!) Brain Hemispheres is necessary to move forward with REAL success.
Alone we are disabled. Our brain is unable to function unless it has all its wiring. If we can not balance think vs act nothing works properly. If we were all my brain .. I KNOW we would still be cave men! But if only someone management ACTION type had listened to my visionary inventive ideas the internet would not have created DYSTOPIA. It would be used as an AMAZING TOOL instead of as LIFE ITSELF! Some of us stay away fro digital .. because it really is so shallow. We are missing the good of it looking at the DYSTOPIA we created. There are no more great useful inventions from us shallow minds. Just stupid apps that mostly do NOT save our world. You may know your heart beat or sugar every instant but a flood or fire or civil war will kill you. Can your stupid APPLE watch help? Sorry, but I am frustrated after 7 decades on the WRONG planet. 🤖
Tues. Aug. 30, 2022. 10:00 am.
What a "blessed" life. If I am Left Brain, I focus on "ME/ mine, here and NOW" and off I go .. DONE. No concern for the past CAUSING the problem, no consideration of the FUTURE EFFECTS of my action, just a goal of "Look after yourself FIRST" .. or if big biz CEO "profit is all that matters". SO SIMPLE! Single minded focus, SELFISH tunnel vision does get the job done. But we have called this "success" for 60 years and it was not REAL success. REAL success does NOT end in collapse of every system. Yes I am jealous of their simple life focus. Considering the well being of OTHERS in my daily action is WAY .. WAY harder. But we who are. BROAD MINDED and have broad PERSPECTIVE vs simple self or profit .. will "save the world". TOGETHER we may still be able to prevent our collapse. If we work fast.
While is Right Brains feel SAD at the LOSS change brings offf the Left brain goes without a care in the world. Store closed? or .. long time Cafe Staff member gone? or my favourite shampoo no longer made .. right brains want continuity and feel LOSS. Myopic short sighted Left brains do not bat an eyelash becauseu their only focus if "me/ mine, here, NOW". They do not feel the LOSSES we feel as everything changes too fast for society to REMAIN HEALTHY!.
Remember, I have the trophy for lazy. "I do not like" is 3 words vs "hate" is ONE. Too lazy for # where 1 can do it. I am into RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, I do not have TIME to waste with 3 words when one will do. I have far more important places to WASRE MY TIME. (Guess I should use QUOTES). But sorry I actually DO hate really selfish people. But I am trying to learn compassion, since they TRULY are DISABLED. (You know how they say Evil people are PSYCHOTIC? Their brain does not work and selfish is the beginning of EVIL)
Right brains are sensitive to EVERYTHING. We want to understand so we WONDER what we didi to cause something, or what someone else did. We are sensitive EMOTIONALLY but also physically. My daughter is sensitive to little .. so my its too loud, its too bright etc etc are just whiny weakling nonsense to her. she can not even UNDERSTANFD it is actual TORTURE for me. Is that what the DR actually meant when I was heart broken to have an epidural at her birth? He said "everyone FEELS pain differently". HAH! She feels LITTLE pain .. at 3 she nearly ripped off her foot and was exasperated that I was concerned over her pain! It all makes sense now! How easy a life not to be sensitive physically for YOURSELF .. OR .. emotionally for others pain!
ps someone said "I don't care that people died in a fire on my street. Is that bad?" yes it is horrifying becaseu it means the STRESS of our digital DYSTOPIA has destroyed our HUMANITY! (link somewhere)
Multi task for SELF vs multi THINK for the well being of OTHERS TOO. Of course you are more disciplined than me! Sure you racing 'hare", you can go running off to the end point, while we TURTLES are agonizing how our direction affects others!! So if slow and thoughtful is not disciplined to win .. HAH! the world would have been a far better place had WE been the BOSSES! Competition breeds FAST .. and FAST tends to be THOUGHTLESS. This is where we now are .. a society of thoughtless directions = collapsing silos of our infrastructure.
We NEED both brain hemispheres. First we THINK, then we act on the ideas considered! We used to be balanced ourselves, then there was a period where inventors and creative joined up with the ACTION CEO Managers. Both had separate skills and TOGETHER they worked wonders. But over the last 30 years, maybe after Friedman .. the only thing that mattered was being first .. speed and PROFIT. Qualities that would keep societal HEALTH intact were ignored and then FORGOTTEN. We went from no manners, to no civility and now we are losing our HUMANITY. WE can still fix it if we use our opposite ASSETS (Brain value) TOGETHER.
Mon. Sept. 5, 2022. 7:30 am
very weird! is this google saying? (apple screen alerted me to word .. said left sided)
"Sinister comes from a Latin word meaning “on the left side,” and while the earliest uses of the word in English—dating from the 14th century—pertain to some measure of evil, forboding, or malevolence, others retain the Latin meaning of “left”: PAROLLES. …" (??)
I guess I am taking it as matter is the reality but I will use my mind to make it different. . I e there are JERKS everywhere outside my own shelter. But if I put my MIND to ignoring them, then although they re real MATTER .. I made them disappear. It somehow reminds me "I have CONTROL .. you can't make me" Hey let's go back. to that kid time when we actually thought we DID have some control. I am going to use that. The next JERK person I seeI will think YOU CAN"T MAKE ME .. get enraged at your rude behaviour .. you can stay in the HELL of your society but we good guys will be creating our "hard heaven". (Even will be EASY becaseu ut is all different realities at one time .. time and space converged.) We unfortunately have to compromise and collaborate which is HARD!
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A mess in Russia now eh?
Who knows the TRUTH about that power plant ?
Maybe humans have lost their ability to be patient enough to FIND truth? 🤔 🧐 🥸 Whoa! Great question!!
We want instant convenience .. which TRUTH will NEVER be!! 🥸
Thurs. Sept. 8, 2022. 10:00 am
"I feel the same fear and worry anyone else does, I just don’t identify with it. I accept it and move on despite it." M M
"I don’t let my Thinking Mind control me. I defuse from my emotions. When I feel fear, I consciously choose to act despite it. When I feel worry, I consciously choose to act despite it."
from me .. I was perturbed? he was talking "thinking vs feeling mind" in his BOOK . I was RANTING but action people do not think oOR FEEL as in have EMPATHY. I think all these people are just talking about MIND CHATTER. that is not THINKNG as in LEARNING, to try to understand. How did "mind chatter" become THINKiNG? That is hilarious .. I LOVE Mark but what he is writing about "think/ feel" is the SAME SHALLOW I say has destroyed the world! Now I have far more to read in his book, barely scratched the surface so what do I know. But to me THINKNG is important work and FEELING let's us be kind to others and create better quality of life. HAH .. is he referring only to our PERSONAL Heath bank account while as usual I am talking about our SOCIETAL bank account. OMG .. Is he focusing on SELF .. which is exactly why "EVERYTHING IS #@%^&@#" .. the title of his book!
There is something WRONG with serial killer and addicts BRAINS. They cannot control themselves or their impulses. Like their HEART or LINGS or LIVER .. some part of their brain is NOT functioning. Luckily I guess I do have a little MIND control or discipline becaseu recently my BRAIN hs been wanting to murder a few people. (Don't worry just greedy, selfish spectrum to EVIL people). But if our brain is missing wiring or chemicals. that are NORMAL something goes wrong. so I suggest do NOT interchange brain and MIND!
Is our MIND like our "heart" and soul? (spirit?) .. while our BRAIN is like our heart pumping blood or lungs filling with air? If we can control our brain or lungs we have a DISEASE. Addiction and "mental " illness are PHYSICAL disease!
CONTROL is a MIND thing, and LEFT brains have more SELF DISCIPLINE.
Left brain prominence wants to ACT, giving Doers more CONTROL. better below
CONTROL is a "MIND" .. not a "brain" thing, and LEFT brains have more SELF DISCIPLINE. Self discipline = CONTROL.
Left brain prominence wants to ACT, giving Doers more CONTROL than Thinkers. HEnCE .. doers or action Left brains CONTROL EVERYTHING.
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