Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Say it here.
I recycled the cups pitched the lids and saved and RE Used the heat sleeve! .. for3 years here! Then I discover the messy lid must be washed and recycled, the cup THROWN out and they Ade the sleeve STICK to the cup. I am so angry I quit .. because most people do not even THINK how we are so concededly and arrogantly just destroying the universe in every way. We destroy people making them brain dead, nature by disrespecting it and then we just pitch out ENORMOUS amounts of garbage. Hey we are conscious brilliant humans after all. I will find a good cartoon at the ludicruous humour of us.
What is the point? I worried about this since Rachel Carlson .. did anybody LISTEN or care? Bye bye lazy idiots. But here at Reverse World maybe god will take pity on us .. forgive our blind selfishness and see that we are trying really hard to "use it up, wear it out .. make it do"! PLUS we will "REDUCE, re-use and recycle". We forgot the first 2 parts of that nonsense recycle pitch. REDUCE is the most important for us brainless idiots
The way we pay Canadian electricity, I probably won't PAY less .. but at least as I hear them begging Californians to conserve energy as their grid goes down for their heat wave .. I know sam learning to BE AWARE USE LESS.
an example of always thinking "USE less of EVERYTHING!" ..
You know how we touch the button, or wave hand to open a door for us? I actually run thru a still open door thinking not just less power use, but what about REDUCED MAINTENANCE. Doe it matter to me? no, but if I had a store and others were thoughtful to my operating costs I would surely appreciate it! Oh yeah .. we'll only do it for our still HUMAN partner corporations! screw Bezos whole foods, I'm talking my Tim's owner where they greet me every morning with a smile. Yes a big corp but the costs are born by the guy trying to run his biz franchise. He just did not set up his own operation. But then sometimes they are corporate stores. We will try to get Restaurant brans Tims FAIR Certified as partners. We could use their TIMBITS as a symbol for savouring instead of the huge portions of EVERYTHING, TV, nails, eyecolous
Why even bother. 100% we are too stupid to live. Well CORRECTION. we let those damn fast action Left Brains run everything and they have no common sense or logic. We should drive an electric car to conserve resources .. BUT .. in 2012 the cloud was already using 30 NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS OF ENERGY! we are brain dead zombies for letting this insanity rule us.
Wed. Sept. 7, 2022, 10 pm
If I smile and signal a car to turn left, so all the guys waiting behind to get home can GO .. I just raised the positive vibration of EVERYBODY. We are all happier .. I did something good and they feel we are connected for the good. and they probably go on to do something kind and it grows. So much is the opposite today .. I am always swearing at the honking impatient for no good reason. Now I am stressed and all the others around are stressed so we can also withdraw from everybody's bank account.
We can be a LIABILITY .. or CHOOSE to be an asset. Sometimes though I think people who tried to be good and kind sometimes realize NOBODY has been good and kind to them. When they feel they always lose I think bad things happened. How many horrible events are caused by someone saying screw it nobody respects me or values me .. I will show them they should have." maybe why guns are bad .. they like suicied are a final solution for a temporary problem.
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Wed. Oct. 12, 2022. 2:30 pm
Never mind the plastic sitting in the earth, selfish wasted "one use" entitlement! Our "entitlement" attitude goes on to GIVE forever .. give TOXINS, withdrawals from our Societal LEDGER for everyone else to die from! We are worse than cockroaches, but CAN WE dial it back?? If they fried our brains enough .. we won't even be able to!
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Wed. Sept. 7, 2022, 6:00 pm .. neighbour whose friends CAT detected CANCER!!
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Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2022. 8:00 am .. MOST NB
Are you curious and patient enough to LEARN, investigate and analyze confusing facts!?? Most people are not .. so life is STUPID .. no logic or common sense to the world unless you are willing to .. "BUT what about if .. " everything! .. every fact or idea.
and people are also too stressed, just getting by to spend time thinking and mulling over ideas! stressed shallow and SELFISH
We can usually see patterns in a pisces or Aries or two ever our most significant relationships are even if we only learn for the FUN of it. How is this zodiac character so often true unless we are all part of SPACE??? .. the atmosphere?
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SHADE! Fruit or nuts? (food), growths of value, mushrooms, ferns, Yes, a FOREST is the resource of lumber to USE to build homes. But once again, Left brains only see "me/mine, here, now" as our consideration to USE IT. McGilchrist explains more Left Hemisphere people just USE things to get the job done. More Right Brain people want to UNDERSTAND everything and it slows things down. The Turtle Thinker is Frustrating to the fast Action Hare.
A forest is ALSO the resource of birds and moss and fungi connecting the tree roots like a connected SHARING network. A forest is a COMMUNITY giving us all manner of OTHER RESOURCES including a place to walk to restore our soul, destress from the concrete jungle, listening to birds, feeling shade from summer heat. SO MANY MORE RESOURCES THAN LUMBER! So a tree is definately not only worth its lumber $$$ Value. Yet this is how we have been running our world? No wonder we now have disaster on our hands.
Are Right brains the philosophers, researchers, complex inventors of new SYSTEMs, writers, more creative quiet people? While Left brains are the more competitive sports types who just want to win the game of money?
Once you make lumber out of a tree you have a stump where nothing grows. If all the trees are gone no birds and I guess the fungus life lines die? Without shade the grass gets parched, birds have nowhere to perch, mice have nowhere to hide. You may have created the resource of lumber but at what VCOST to nature? To get 3$ you destroyed 5$ of nature. Therefore your LUMBER is not really a RESOURCE it is an anti resource .. a NEGATIVE. Yes we need lumber but a little more respect might make god forgive us our idiocy .. and not wipe us out like cockroaches. Right now we are either way STUPIDER, or way MEANER than any cockroach.
see image .. WE create society and earth's health .. the ATMOSPHERE. Everything is space so WE affect our space or environment or energy FIELD. Yelling at a stranger creates different energy value than smiling at him. A SMILE increase our resources, we all feel BETTER, yet costs nothing (maybe a few wrinkles later?) So even a smile costing nothing increases our community LEDGER
My life would be so much easier without sensitivity. I now believe a sensitive person is sensitive to EVERYTHING, not just emotionally .. but also physically? I know I am overly sensitive to slights etc .. but also to noise of any type! even colours or smells YELL at me. Just ONE pot cigarette makes me want to BRING UP! Does this ring true for you? My daughter is Left brain Action minded and I am so jealous becaseu the SCREAMING kids under my window would just not disrub her. LIFE IS HELL WHEN EVERYTHING IS SCREAMING! Even people's har having to be 3!! colours now.
But pretty funny .. this morning I was even screaming at the seagulls to "BE QUIET!". I swear to god it was a neighbourhood FIGHT. they were all screaming at each other and then tried to calm but one instigator kept causing trouble. Sound like Thansgicing dinner? (and often the instigator is ME! I need to wake up to Left brains having NO INTEREST in anything IMPORTANT TO DISCUSS!) Why should we not discuss politics or religion at parties or politics in school. Sounds like zombies unable to DISCUSS ideas! Doesn't discussing let us see OTHER VIEWPOINTS we can then mull over later?
LISTEN, HEAR, Analyze, investigate think and RECONSIDER. Oh but Republicans say that is FLIP FLOP- ing. NO! it is being human and LEARNING!! But we are just classy as "wishy washy ". NO! Life is gray NOT BLACK AND WHITE!!
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and these examples I will probably never finish. I guess I have always been fascinated with our resources that are NOT money or just making our money go further to THWART the guys trying to TAKE our money. soon we will have NONE but meantime I do agonize
While I thought I could no longer by my normal "oily face wash" I tried several cheaper brands. One just left the oil .. the other created acne! To my surprise I did find the decades use dash at the Bay (Like Macy's to you Americans). FORTY!!!! NINE!!!! 49 freakin $$$ what the frig .. I vowed never to buy one more thing from that jerk Clinique. (I was not going to say their name but n they are all the same RIP OFFS .. hopefully not my NYC Keihl's but probably.) I was determined not to go near that again .. but as my skin broke out more and was more and more greedy I began to RATIONALIZE.
I guess that is where Virtue signalling and hypocrisy shaming would be deserving. Yup I am rationalizing if it lasts 2 or even 3 years becaseu seriouslyone drop is needed, that is actually very cheap. The Clearasil was evil becaseu it poured out 1/2 teaspoon which was total waste. The ways they create to scam us are just amazing. If only they put that creativity into making things actually WORK! 🤣 how NAIVE am I still! OK am I evil if it is cheap becaseu it tastes so long? it is a new bottle probably fashioned after the clearisil EVIL. I guess I wa s just mad becaseu of the price? I QUIT all that crap when I was finally using about 6 jars to fix my old face! Ridiculous. I am proud for that. Will ADD palmers story. .. 8$ instead of probably 3 HUNDRED and 8$!!
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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To my son who says I am SO JUDGEMENTAL .. (why do powerful people get to have our own soldiers KILLED .. for what .. their own power needs? not the good of all as they pretend. "freedom" is a load of crap. we are real "free" now aren't we? If we breathe wrong we are in jail or worse "cop shot". that is who controls us .. and the greed and evil has gone free. Rules and law and order are only to keep US in line.)
"Yes “my community” is JUDGMENTAL in choosing cockroach extermination.. but only of those entitled horrid GREEDY people who destroyed the world with their “me/ mine, here, now” thoughtless shallow behaviour. There is a reason that every single thing is collapsing. They are the cause, and this is a WAR waged by the masses to the ?1%. Why do they have the right to destroy the world UNCHALLENGED. it is truly David and Goliath." Awesome .. but re cutting off head .. I would really rather they just TRY really hard to use what is left of their Right brain wiring to THINK and be FAIR and not greedy and evil.
explain the story parallel for us ..
Now you think I am evil and won't join .. that I am "hitler"
Now wait just a minute and get your thinking wiring WORKING! Yes, agreed .. with ("A" only fact, NON thinking) this does seem correct. BUT .. always take everything to ("B" .. BUT ..!) which can COMPLETELY CHANGE THE PICTURE! Yes guess I am like Hitler in a SHALLOW brain but think for a minute and understand when I am trapped inside by the zombies I am going to translates German history and find the REAL truth. I actually do not even know the fake truth from American Propoganda. But as a kid my intuition wondered about all this hate. he surely could not just decide to hate and organize without some basis of fact. maybe to begin he was like us .. angry at injustice.. and he got evil too?
Sorry as usual I have digressed. I am NOT evil to say IF you think we poor people should just die, becaseu you elite wealthy are more WORTHY of what is left of our depleted resources because it is THEY who are destroying US .. first. We are no different at all than a republican (conservative) who wants a gun so he can DESTROY an "intruder", to protect his family from destruction of his home and health. How are we different wanting to KILL someone who is not just harming our home or biz but the water we drink and the air we breathe. Yesterday afternoon the REVERSE BITCH Made me think these "thinking more worthy than you and I .. HUMANS" need to be DESTROYED (yes exterminated). At nite I began to worry about the evil I was speaking but when I woke up I thought of the alternatives below that they could CHOOSE. Or .. if their thinkng ability is really GONE if they are HUMAN they would want us to get rid of them to save the greater humanity!
Comparing our plan to theirs for protecting their home or store with guns seems then why can we not do the same. but with us they are destroying our ENTIRE ATMOSPHERE!! The air we breathe and the quality of life or our TOTALL SOCIETAL HEALTH!! OMG I think I could even publish this in the NYTimes!! DEATH TO US .. starving or gobne crazy ACTUAL HUMANS with their GUN no questions asked .. is STILL WORSE
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Let's be our OWN BOSS! With this locked in, no income, scary, maybe bored Time .. we have a new OPPORTUNITY available to us! We have this time free .. to waste or INVEST. We can build a "NEW SYSTEM" that lets us pay our Rent, Eat AND have Fun .. independent of a Boss who often does not respect our work. Take this time and INVEST it in yourself .. and a new "Reverse World" Community where EVERYONE gets a good quality of life.
This is a PAID Member Subscription Education Site. But it beats the TUITION many pay .. only to NOT get a "job". The site is very incomplete .. but you have free time NOW. I am offering it FREE though not even edited, (sorry) .. so that you can invest in yourself while you have the time. I am asking for your City, or Organization to pay for your use, once the site (book?) is completed. Besides creating a "job" for yourself, you will also learn to be more HEALTHY .. which will help your city's Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods. Your neighbourhood will thrive, once this RESET is over.
Please forgive the errors on the "RESET" site, plus my other sites. You WILL find many. I need to hire 3 people to help me, but that needs $'s! Just please don't waste this time. Invest it in your better future. There are so many valuable ideas and skills you will learn at this RESET "library". Even skimming through it, to find other Authors you like, will give you a BETTER quality of life, after this (no rent $ trauma). If I wait until sub. is paid for, you will lose this valuable RESOURCE of TIME, that you have available NOW.
If you lose access to our "GREAT RESET" Community in May, please contact your organization and City. Ask them to buy in to this resource. For now, feel free to share the site with family and friends you know are fearful. So many of us are struggling with our unknown future security. The fearful possibility of no rent/ food income will motivate us to INVEST THIS TIME TO RE-EDUCATE OURSELVES right now .. no more wasting time!
PS!! OMG .. You were probably already doing the "NEW SYSTEM" I speak of (silly privileged, Retired Teacher white lady ranting!) You have probably long been "bartering" or Trading your skills! The guy who grows a great garden gives fresh food to the guy who is good with cars. We will expand on that Traditional successful system and add the BLOCKCHAIN. It will let us create our own Community "Trading" System! Where every person has value! .. but yet there ARE extra things you can do, to get that luxury car.
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TIME lost TODAY, can never be INVESTED Tomorrow