Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
We still have a little bit of time. There are more of us lowly worker masses. If we actually all stick together we might be able toe REVERSE the coping collapse. Every system is on the verge of collapse so we need an entirely NEW one. Why not RE pioneer? Start over .. but with ONE system were we actually DO work together for "WE the people"? But we have just followed along, done whatever the power structure said, all these years. Time to get serious and change the world, before it is gone from us.
If we think there is no quality of life anymore .. rushed and stressed as we are, what about when the electric grid goes down or the floods and fires reduce the availability of calif crops this winter? We need to get ready for worse .. but at the same time we could be RE Thinking Pioneer ways for better TOTAL Health. Pioneers had NONE of our complicated systems .. but I wonder if life was not less crazy then? At least you could breathe and actually WERE FREE, not today's pretence.
Your choice which side (civil war?) to join! Stay with the Left brains that created the Dystopian "progress" we have, or work with REVERSE WORLD (YOUme) to create a society of common sense where new inventions are used as TOOLS .. not as life itself! Please leave the "phone faced sheep ants" behind and help build a new better system. It will be hard and require sacrifice, but I swear it will be more fun working together to rebuild our better quality of life! The "stressed shallow" lack of common sense we live in today, is destroying our TOTAL Health. Reverse World will improve our Physical, Emotional AND our Economic/ Systems Health. it is urgent to begin .. no protests just serious sacrifice of companies that are evil to us. (TOO many)
Thurs. Sept.15, 2022, 8:30 am.
Sorry BUT .. if you have not yet noticed that NOTHING works for us lowly worker people, you are either asleep (maybe STRESSED into a zombie?) or one of those self absorbed left brains that sees the world only for their benefit. This web site is not for you, becaseu you have the pot of gold of confidence and deservedness which of course ATTRACTS what you focus on. The law of attraction is REAL .. and Left brain ACTION people focus only on self so their goals become reality.
Not all of us are so lucky to be self absorbed. Yes, you have to look after yourself, but some of us put the greater good FIRST to our own detriment. That is just how our BRAIN WORKS. A BALANCED BRAIN is best but with our demonization it appears few have a NORMAL balanced brain. Warriors (Left brains) look after themselves, not even seeing the bigger picture. But we worriers LIVE in the big picture. We KNOW we can only have REAL quality of life when everyone can eat and feel secure. Somehow Left "Action" brains (could we call them TASK THINKERS?) have lost sight of societal HEALTH being important to personal well being. Life will NOT be good when you head to your yacht and people are grabbing you begging for a slice of bread!
Understand "YOUme" is not communism, or even "LIE demonized" socialism. I do not even understand either but I just expect Humans to be FAIR and decent. This system is built on us being kind and considerate to those less fortunate. If we have a HUGE PROFITABLE business or are just RICH, we can have our million $ car and 3 mansions but if you are HUMAN you will pay FAIR taxes, not pollute our bigger HOME .. AND pay your workers a decent wage WITH a routine schedule. And then you will STILL be philanthropic. THAT is a HUMAN to me .. and this website and membership is ONLY for STILL humans. (by the way there is no welfare .. we all want to be VALUED and needed and can contribute our own special skill to our COLLABORATIVE.
Worriers (Right brain "heart" THINKERS ..We worry about other people and society and it slows us down. Usually we forget to worry about our SELF. "YOUme" REVERSE WORLD is for those of us who are NOT "me first, screw you". WE consider others well being before self and it often leaves us behind. But it is the ONLY way to build a civil society. Not only has the "me first, screw you" attitude of those in power destroyed CIVIL SOCIETY .. it is now close to destroying HUMANITY.
Basically all we have to do is reduce the "MORE" we live by .. and learn to CONSERVE instead. Jackson MI had a flood and no water for 2 weeks. Why not RESPECT and appreciate our water BEFORE it is too late? We are oblivious to "MORE" not being availbale for much longer. At least things will be even HARDER for us quiet church mice (inner onion layer Thinking) hard working people. We should conserve water and electricity before we HAVE to. It will be SIMPLE then, when things soon fall apart. We will already KNOW what we are doing.
Our Left brain friends will beg to borrow from our pre planning. Maybe then they will join us? But sorry .. it will soon be Civil War and enemies DIE in war. Why do only the powerful get to say who is the ENEMY and who dies? We will decide that "no longer human" (able to be kind and considerate) enemies of humanity must go. Their soul is already gone so there is little left to die but a shell of what used to be human.
ACCEPT that every System is failing. Just accept the FACT and stop FIGHTING it. Now BREATHE deeply to wipe that fear from our brain.
If we just STOP letting it SHOCK us, the idea can no longer STEAL more of our NEEDED energy.
Our existence is a LIFE LEDGER and all the atmosphere in and around us makes our balance +positive, or - negative. But we 100% have to get more DISCIPLINED and personally responsible for our own Ledger's balance sheet. Although hard for us, we need to use "free will" for our own benefit!
Every day for years, I have screamed "What? have we seriously lost our mind? That is the stupidest thing I ever heard of". I was horrified daily at yet another example of our lost common sense and HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. Recently I recognized the reason was all I had been complaining about since 9 years old .. NO THOUGHT EVER TO WHAT OUR "PROGRESS" WAS DOING TO OUR OVERALL HEALTH! Short term success was breeding long term COLLAPSE.
The toxins of our "progress" have TRULY destroyed our brain wiring. DISABLED, with no brain or just no BALANCE of Left and Right Function our solutions are too short term! As we became more and more divided in our STUPIDITY (lack of thinking about causes and consequences) I was lucky enough to find McGilchrist's work! His deeper recent study of "Right / Left brain" wiring was the perfect explanation. (go to TVO The Divided Brain) It is hard to CALM DOWN and stop my screaming, but with ACCEPTANCE of where we are at .. we can finally calmly make a plan on how to move forward. My work is the SYSTEM Architecture BLUEPRINT, but we are an OCTOPUS SYSTEM with 8 brains experts in their fields. I am just the ranting recipe.
PS also accept we did nothing .. can not totally blame corporations and gov. we are also to blame for just falling in line.
There are more of us! For a little while we have control. no workers they get no profit. if we need 2 jobs for rent we are not able to BUY their product or service. But soon robots and A I will have 1/2 the jobs. They won't need us BUT will robots buy their stuff. So let's use god's law of attraction to bring us positive! It is a magic magnet to save him all the work of puppetting our lives to make good things happened. we can do it ourselves by focusing on the positive we want.
If we ignore the screamers who demonize each other, we will remember there are more of us QUIET
Those wonderful concepts have been stolen by the entitled elite. We work 2 jobs and have no time for such self care! The elitist entitled stole these handed down solutions but never included the culture they came from. I have not studied these but they probably came from YOUme FAIR cultures, NOT "me first screw you" or "me/ mine here now" SHALLOW societies like ours.
B) AFTER WE FEEL CALM AND LESS STRESSED WE MUST THEN ACT .. WE HAVE SPENT DECADES DOING NOTHING BUT PROTESTING. We are past that time, we must take matters into our hands. It was the 60's JFK said ask not what my country can do for me, but WHAT I CAN DO FOR MY COUNTRY. It is our last chance.
Those who say "just be more positive" have lived life looking after self and ignoring the BIG PICTURE, being myopic was easy ignoring the future and others, not learning from the past .. just DOING is so very simple. But now we have to pay for that single minded lack of a BROADER perspective than the
transfer above
No protests it must be like STRIKING .. sacrificing to make change .. serious! vs party time parade. I think we waited too long but let us HOPE for the possibility enough will SACRIFICE seeing what the alternative is!
We have probably lost this ability. We want everything now .. and self discipline to WAIT and be responsible for more than me her now has escaped us. Think pioneers. We need to use invetiomk as TOOLS not life itself .. making everything a JOKE to a still human looking on.
May 1, 2023 Workers of the world UNITE.
We will not PUNISH you if you become FAIR Certified. No .. we will not work for or buy from you. Please ask your company if they are interested.
..an empty church or building or warehouse rented with FAIR Partner revenue where we come together to learn Healthy Living and how to buy healthy even with a macarini budget. Pracising SIMPLICITY and conservation.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
TOTAL Physical Emotional System health
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Is that what all the Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness is about? .. just NOT THINKNG about our losses and fears for a bit? Plus ruminating and worrying is NOT Problem solving. Let's focus on recognizing the difference. "Thinking can be like a rocking chair .. gets us nowhere!" Real THINKING has the HOPE of finding a solution. That is why we should be ARGUING WITH OURSELVES (and others, aka DISCUSSING .. but then LEARN THE DISCIPLINE OF TURNING IT OFF!!
PS I am mad at momks becaseu it seems they only look after the SELF. But I know nothing. A left brain just happily KEEPS that FACT regardless that it needs far more research and UNDERSTANDING!
Hopefully these 12 Resources, that we can build on, can help you through this cataclysm as well. Between thoughts of suicide and even "raging resentment, mass murder", a few times .. just the first 2 brought me back from the edge. The Dream of building a NEW FAIR Community "System" again felt possible, with having some shred of HOPE restored. The 12 Resources are explained more, further below. (Plus there will be a detail link to each eventually). They will also be developed further into a grouping of 3 ideas (the symbolic Triangle?) .. maybe less overwhelming than 12 things to consider? Remember, it is the first 2, even the first 5 .. that are the Life Savers. Those can be done immediately, though definitely difficult. The rest we will LONG be working on, but together as a connected group which makes it easier.
1) Faith, or Belief giving us hope
2) Take back control .. breathe, develop mind control. DON"T THINK ABOUT IT!
3) Take back Personal Responsibility .. (and actually THINK more too!)
4) Give respect .. to your SELF, others, and our planet.
5) Focus our attitude .. all positive thoughts .. AND WORDS!
NO blaming others, NO yelling at yourself, just "I CAN do it, I CAN do it!"
Whether you like the idea or not ..
Just like the LAW of gravity .. You bring toward you what you focus on!
Also, we must change our subconscious UN-deservedness, that is SABOTAGING us.
6) Connection and belonging .. build Community (even if we are introverted!)
7) Build our Physical Health, take back CONTROL!
8) Remove ALL Toxins from our lives .. 4 types, (people too!)
9) Build Human Life Intelligence (not A I) .. Learn to THINK again.
10) take a "Personal Life Accounting" of your skills .. like a Business
11) Sharing our Resources = a new TRADE System, = our own REAL "economy"!
12) Re-SEARCH, investigate all Energy Vibrations .. new Resources for us
.. find these in more detail below.
Taking control of our lives, means we need to take back personal responsibility. We gave that up, when we naively believed going in debt for an "education" would actually help us. (Yes, Banks and universities profit, but we all too often, get a job at Starbucks.) Let's Re-educate ourselves .. in what we truly need for our LIFE INTELLIGENCE and our own "success". ("success" as in a happy life, definitely NOT measured by wealth .. but YES, WE NEED TO PAY RENT! (Money) is not evil..
Re locate your curiosity and imagination. The difficulties of paying rent in an "economy" of total insecurity make it hard to retain these useful resources. Start RE-searching topics that interest you. How could you make money from them? Who could use the expert knowledge you can easily retain? How could you charge for your service? Are the people who need you all Farmers, and you could get your food in return? Or would Fashion people need your help, who could make you nice clothes? Start Rethinking our old ways, that were not working even before covid. Be more creative and willing to take responsibility. Small Business gave many of us jobs, but we were often not respectful of their struggle to CREATE OUR JOB for us. (Giving a customer 8 napkins, and a double cup shows no respect for how difficult it is for the cafe to make profit ... that PAYS us our job!) THINK more!!
We have forgotten in the old New World, the Pioneers TRADED, to live not too badly. We don't need to be Pioneers for long, just until we create our own new "NEW World" Trading System. My Systems began as just a HEALTH concept with the Health Revolution (Processed food causes INFLAMMATION, the root of DIS-ease.). Down the road, Health Coaches will be a large part of our new transformed Health (not "care") System.
But why not have more Citizens involved in REAL RE-search in ALL topics? Like the old Encyclopedia on STEROIDS? Why can't we be paid to be total research experts with HUMAN Intelligence not useless A I? "Search" has made us stupid. We care more about instant convenience, than knowledge that creates HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. A I can never match real minds and souls curious to find as much TRUTH as is possible. HMM!? From different perspectives .. IS TRUTH even possible. Are there actually very many REAL Facts? Hopefully Mike Bloomberg will want to create an Encyclopedia on STEROIDS with us. He already did so for biz!
This will take time and patience to investigate, analyze, and evaluate. I bet no one in so many years of "education" had you in any great detail take time to study YOURSELF? Even if you love and are happiest, cleaning or sweeping, or washing dishes singing out of tune, we need you! Some of us are impatient with these tasks. Every task .. even sweeping floors has just as much value as a CEO. He is just skilled in a different way. And sorry, if your mind is so single focused to be whining that I said "HE" .. GO! You can NOT be a member of this deep thinking TO SOLVE REAL PROBLEMS Community. I do not want your subscription money. There are millions of shallow sites on the web already to suit you.) Sorry, to the rest of you. EVERY job has value and deserves RESPECT, CEO's are not better and CERTAINLY do not deserve 100x our pay!
Maybe you are like Marie Condo and love organizing stuff. Think us disorganized messes would not pay well for your talent? Look how she became wealthy and known through her obsession! Find yours! .. to at least live a secure life!!
The most exciting transformed "SYSTEM" will be setting up our Trade System. Everyone, floor sweeper to Researcher gets the same good living wage. BUT!! .. if you want to study more, work more, work late at nite or in a less safe job .. you get paid MORE. It is "Revised Capitalism" but you CAN have mansions and $100,000 cars. But nobody is starving or homeless, because FAIR taxes are paid!
You have connections, that I do not. My skill is researching and imagining problem solutions (as a quiet hermit, Librarian inventor, alone at my desk). Most people have more Team building skills than I do. With your skills and connections we can get your (decent) Corporate friends on Board. With Corporate (clients) we get the $ we will need for digital access, heat, water etc .. in our local Life Skills Community. Much we need we Trade, later with our own Trading System. A System that is "human" or just to all, yet does allow hard work to take you to another level. In "Reverse World", the least among us gets a decent Secure quality of life! The wealthy Corporates who join us will find their own quality of life improves. It is not MORE BILLIONS that creates joy .. but sharing with others does. (see "Secret Millionaire" and "Undercover Boss" old TV shows)
1) A PHYSICAL Population Health threat that has evolved to ..
2) A Personal Financial Health threat, and now will be ..
3) A Great Population MENTAL Health threat ..
At least finally the stigma of Mental Health will be eradicated, if 80% of us are suffering from anxiety, and REAL physical depression or despair. So Let's learn some new coping skills together with the many feeling the same hopelessness as we ourselves do.
NO! we are NOT in this together! Such a shallow phoney group of words. Wealthy people have no clue of what no $ to pay rent feels like! Crowded conditions, perhaps lost TV and internet access, or maybe not even computer access, are no comparison to no longer being able to enjoy favourite 8$ cappuccino Cafes. All of us are stressed, but compared to EXTREME stress .. we are NOT "together".
Try being bored, but with no food, or the Landlord posting nasty messages on your door. Get lost you wealthy or at least people with no $ worries. You are NOT in this together with us. (I must put a "go fund us" page up for those wealthy who are still human and KIND.) Those of us struggling, have been losing jobs since full scale automation began, which now will only get worse.
But we have a plan! See below a new LIFE INTELLIGENCE RE-EDUCATION. And "they" will beg to be allowed into our awesome "economy" private "island". The tables will FINALLY turn.. IF .. we lowly masses stick together. (This Robin Hood plan is one where the 1% will WANT to be part of our community.)
It will be hard .. but we WILL all be struggling together. This TOTAL Health, LIFE INTELLIGENCE subscription is for those who know what REAL difficulty is., those who have dealt with hurdle after hurdle. But maybe no one reminded you how successful you have been to deal with the obstacles we "little people" must endure. "They" suggest we didn't work hard enough, or try hard enough. Completely untrue.
But, we were unfortunately not lucky enough to get the RESOURCES that they did .. and I am NOT talking money or an inheritance. Maybe we did inherit, but our inheritance was continuing the generational difficulties of our family. We never got the confidence and connections the 10% have .. and those are HUGE resources that we have to struggle without. No one mentions how incredibly valuable confidence and connections are. We just are considered irresponsible, whining victims, looking for handouts.
We will create a community where we all have great value and all contribute, and it can be better than what we had. If we stay calm and patient in this historic crisis..
Some will even be very hard for us. But we can coach each other, trading the resource our character finds easy .. to help other members of our community that find the same thing very difficult. We will get to our REAL community "island" down the road, but meantime we use our digital "raft" to save us. Working together even on line, is easier than struggling alone.
Without HOPE everything seems pointless. At this time it is very easy to fall into despair. Check back to the pages discussing Heaven or the possibility of science suggesting we may be moving ?into the "Fifth dimension"?
First , find your source of Faith or Hope. Without hope, it is too hard to move on. We must feel there CAN be a better, easier life again. Also, we must be able to TRUST more. Every one of our systems has let us down. (That is .. if we are NOT one of the entitled elite, who had 1 or 2 jobs in a lifetime and now sit pretty with a good Pension and NO WORRY in the world).
We also need to be able to TRUST in our Societal Systems, more than we can today. Education does not educate, Heath "care" does not = Health, and a Justice System is often a perversion of justice. Quality no longer exists in products and it gets very frustrating re-buying everything so often. We need a whole scale System reset, everything needs to be TRANSFORMED.
2) TAKE BACK CONTROL .. BREATHE .. develop "mind control"!
Take control .. breathe .. develop the feeling that we CAN actually CONTROL our mind. (mindfulness and meditation for DUMMIES). This will allows us to feel less stressed, giving us a tool to feel in control, more calm to think clearly.
Years ago, I was shocked to wake up to a huge new simple tool , that I got from a new 'old neighbour'. I will for that reason never forget him. Remembering to use it though is still a struggle. (Why our share community will be great .. to remind each other what we forget.) I was sharing that when I think about ... I feel so sad. He said "just don't think abut it". I was floored "You mean I don't have to .. think about it (ie feel Quilty?" Wasting energy in your head solves no problem. If you can do something to reverse the guilt .. do it. But wasting energy sad in your head helps no one, and destroys energy you could use being NICE to someone.
Let's use our CONTROL SYSTEM to take back control of our BRAIN, and again use it to THINK! (Processed Food (sugar), EMF's, "search" etc have destroyed our brain, reducing it to shallow un-inteligence. And stick to JFK's words long forgotten, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." We can create our own job for our Reset "country". Today, we can create our own community with our own rules and sharing of resources. But .. we must take back Personal Responsibility if we want to TAKE BACK CONTROL. of our lives and Systems that no longer serve us.
a) to self .. recognize our own Value .. to create self esteem, self confidence
b) respect to others .. including small business offering us jobs
c) respect to the ENVIRONMENT of community, Region AND Planet (if not already too late?)
Positive thought gets positive result .. it is a Quantum LAW like gravity! But .. subconscious lack of self respect will negate that amazing magnetic force! Let's stop sabotaging our own success and recognize and BELIEVE that we too deserve!
6) CONNECTION and BELONGING .. Build Community
everyone needs to feel valued, respected, and loved though a feeling of belonging.
In our reverse world community, we each feel valued and in turn give others a feeling of being valued and respected.
7) BUILD OUR PHYSICAL HEALTH .. perhaps the most important resource?
maintain nutritious food, water, sleep and exercise. Learn all the findings of the new Health Revolution, the biome and inflammation triggers .. vs Traditional Medicine .. disease name = drug! RE-search your own body problem areas. After being a Detective investigating your body inflammation triggers, you can control your health! Then with your Health INTELLIGENCE you can become a Health coach. We can transform Health "care" .. to REAL Health, not "care".
a) chemicals, no processed food, move away from toxic plants or factories.
b) wifi, EMF's RE-search
c) Tech ADDICTION! STOP with the "FACE IN PHONE" you "sheep ant"!
d) Toxic People, even Family .. respect yourself, not accepting Emotional abuse
9) BUILD LIFE INTELLIGENCE .. Broaden our RE-search
Now use the RE-search skills learned to build Health INTELLIGENCE, and become the Intelligence and Knowledge source expert in whatever area you love. There are areas of life that so fascinate us we can "work" all day and it felt like fun. BUT .. not some shallow area we have become so good in today. Not You tube binging or instagram competing in the best "whatever" experience or thing! That competition makes the Internet a BULLY place. And the shallowness is another reason we are stupid!
10) PERSONAL "LIFE ACCOUNTING" .. evaluate our skills and talents .. link
Like a Business our life has liabilities but also ASSETS. Our life ASSETS are our Skills, Expertise, Talents, character tendencies that others are missing. We can TRADE those! Often we think only about our liabilities or failings. While we work to reduce our Liabilities (anger, guilt, etc) .. let's think more about our ASSETS or resources. We tend to forget those. Nor were we taught much about this in our "education". Let's investigate who we are, what we love doing, or are good at. Those are assets we have forgotten others need. We can build a new Trading system, outside $$. We can build a TRUE SHARE ECONOMY. So really put hard work into this study of YOU.
Our liabilities deplete our Assets or Resources. Let's respect ourselves more and do less wasting of our time an energy on past guilt or future worry! Easy to say .. hard to do .. but we will coach each other. ANYTHING is easier with a support system! Now .. if we take the list of our Personal Assets and share what is easy for us with others who CAN"T DO OUR SKILLS, we have developed the basis of a REAL share "economy". We will have to begin like Pioneers, not giving our scarce "old world" $ away so easily. But our "Reverse World" includes a system that Corporations will WANT to be part of. Although the innovation is a "Robin Hood Mission" for us to create REAL not digital communities .. Fortune 500's will WANT to be Partners.
12) RE-"SEARCH" OTHER ENERGY VIBRATIONS .. Investigate new intelligence
Lei Lines, crystals, geographic and historic vibration fields, astral, and quantum energy fields and vibrations. Wherever you become an expert, you can save others time. Time is traded for expertise as we build a new Encyclopedia "system" of Careers. The Encyclopedia od INTELLIGENCE will be subscription based and provide personal income for its many experts. The early Internet (music ?) should never have been FREE. People need to pay rent and eat in return for their talent.
People not PROFIT .. are the World Community's greatest ASSET.
Human INTELLIGENCE, beats Artificial "Intelligence" any day or time.
We can create new jobs with an INTELLIGENCE ENCYLOPEDIA on Steroids.
With segmented monthly Subscription fees for various topic areas, our Encyclopedia will provide ongoing Personal Income for Expertise Contributors.
FREE is what created the Dystopian Internet. People need to be paid for their skills expertise and talents. FREE is how advertising took over. Our members create a TRUE SHARING RESOURCES COMMUNITY .. REVERSE WORLD.
5) TAKE RESPONSIBILITY .. first we gave up common sense and logic, and then we expected laws to protect our every move, like parents used to. Let's get back to JFK "Ask not whet your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".
6) CONNECTIONS and BELONGING .. by investing the time required
Food justice is an important part of community justice.
Anybody a BLOCKCHAIN whiz?
We need to TRADE our (skills) our Personal Resources for food and shelter.
Our community is full of people who want to help. We need to eat, and be sheltered so we need to be USEFUL as a trade. We work together to help the people providing services, with those people who need them. Let's connect and TRADE with people in new creative ways.
NICE man! NO! You don't have to do things for free! If you choose to help someone, you are wonderful. But FREE was an evil the younger generation started with music sharing. NOT COOL! This man is creative, solves problems, takes on tasks, is a MANAGER AND HE DESERVES A ROOF AND FOOD FOR IT!
Entitled Retiree? VOLUNTEER!
Principles can sometimes RUIN your life .. We judge not just others but ourself ..
Don't stick to "I'm right, you are mean" when it ONLY harms US, ourselves!
There is a corner/food store that is very handy, but I am never returning Bec they treat customers like crap! But they don't care so it only hurts my back carrying stuff further. Taking a stand only hurts me because they will not change. I will never go out of my way to give them business, unless convenient for me go there. My not spending 5$ there every few weeks will NOT put them out of business, so it only creates inconvenience for ME, without really punishing them.
Tango company jerk face barista "mass murder story" .. that Cafe looks PHENOMENAL! Never returning to it misses the experience the owner tried to create. Tell the owner how awful his barista is. But then .. maybe his employee was having an extra bad day. Could NOT have been as bad as mine to then suffer his rude behaviour. As T said people are on edge!! and I wanted to murder the man. The rage still gives me horror even so many months later now as I edit this.
see blog?
Other ideas from template .. INCOMPLETE
Articles – Good topics for articles include anything related to your company – recent changes to operations, the latest company softball game – or the industry you’re in. General business trends (think national and even international) are great article fodder, too.
Mission statements – You can tell a lot about a company by its mission statement. Don’t have one? Now might be a good time to create one and post it here. A good mission statement tells you what drives a company to do what it does.
Company policies – Are there company policies that are particularly important to your business? Perhaps your unlimited paternity/maternity leave policy has endeared you to employees across the company. This is a good place to talk about that.
Executive profiles – A company is only as strong as its executive leadership. This is a good place to show off who’s occupying the corner offices. Write a nice bio about each executive that includes what they do, how long they’ve been at it, and what got them to where they are.
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
NOT do unto others .. just THINK, could my behaviour be harming others. Just becaseu you are NOT sensitive to noise or LOUD SMELLS does not mean it is not TORTURE to others. Just THINK. Yeah republican LEFT brains said "Just do it" NO!! Think" .. "how can my behaviour be harming others right now .. or later" Would have been nice if asbestos and lead companies WONDERED about that eh?
This simple "only commandment we need" became a STANDARD, when my neighbour was SEDATED becaseu I complained about her noise. YIKE .. that is not fair! but I do want to work alone not hearing her yelling as though I had office mates. Life is COMPLCATED!
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
more of us .. robots ..small window of time before we lose control to robots
every idea is to divide us Mf gay not "diversity". The more they divide us the LESS control we have. we are all the SAME .. huMANs wanting respect, to be valued/
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
HUNDREDS forgotten .. only four was profit and $ ( along with time)
depleted and decreased lack of respect
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Thurs. SEPTEMBER 1, 2022. 7:30 AM.
Those in power and control have lost their Right brain Hemisphere. It's wiring has been so damaged they can no longer UNDERSTAND. They are able to take action for themself and those they care for, but are UNABLE to see future consequences of actions or what caused the problem to begin with. If psychotic people are serial killers, the power structure has been KILLING us for almost the last century. I think their focus is just SOLELY on self .. and maybe they do not even SEE us? Maybe there were a few wealthy ?like Andrew Carnegie and his LIBRARIES that were TRUE PHILANTHROPISTS. A philanthropist CARES .. meaning there is UNDERSTANDING there .. vs simply USING the "care" concept for self aggrandizement
But ? gravity would not let that happened! O M G so .. is my son right? "just face reality!" Is WIN WIN really NOT possible?? It is not possible to NOT have a coin toss LOSER. But maybe we can make the GOAL different. Not "heads? I win EVERYTHING" .. JUST "I WIN MORE! Hey! that is revised Capitalism .. you can have your yacht, and car worth 20 years of my ANNUAL income! But just do not destroy my planetoid let me pay rent, eat and sometimes see a movie!
Notice I said "WE NEED TO". WE YHE PEOPLE need to get off our rear, decide we are NOT exhausted and HOPELESS and MAKE CHANGE. There are only a few years left for us to be the MASSES. Once the idiots that run our world replace us with robots (1/2 of our jobs within 8 years?) we have no more POWER. Together we can make change now!
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