Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Mon. Sept. 5, 2022. 8:00 pm.
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The only thing we have to do is get TOGETHER and refuse to deal with those who care little about others. Us still humans will form ur own "society". We will MASS STRIKE together. We only have a few years and then robots will take ALL our power. Now they can not make their profit without us. In a few years they won't need us. But their stupidity makes them for get we ALSO buy their products and services. Imagine what a mass strike would dot them. Nobody working, nobody buying! They will listen .. but only for a while .. they love the robots and A I because they can be more easily controlled.
I know most of you are less sensitive and easily frustrated than me .. but why can stupid me often do a better job than say the company who runs 200 of our awful retirement homes? I am not alone, others have agreed .. we are not big CEO material .. but we SERIOUSLY could make things work better!
Besides McGilchrist .. what if we think of our brain like an ONION? It feels to me right now the loudest people are winning the power and control (even "influencers"). What if we think of them as the 2 outside layers of the onion. Left ACTION minds are the brittle brown layer because uncontemplated action will collapse. The second elastic layer (in my previous work I simplified too much!) is those who simply THINK one little step further to OPPOSE. NOW we have our divide that in the USA has turned to demonization. Is it possible the REAL ONION that we cook and deliciously USE is us thinkers going to ever deeper layers of thinkIng TO COME UP WITH THE BEST SOLUTION?
We have let the LOUDEST least intelligent run our countries and societies. Why does nothing ever change? Why do we have 7000 oily shampoos but still .. NONE work! We have extreme and "MORE" but not one thing works better. (I will try to think of exceptions and add them. CERTAINLY not apps, we lived just fine without! I stay away .. too mad we created digital hell instead of the amazing tool it COULD be .. but .. to me BEST EVER .. Shazam so you can find and buy a part of a song you love and forgot about.
Really useful Stuff like that is AWESOME .. but 90% of our "progress" is just "why?". google maps? we actually FOUND our way without for centuries! Communication today? 100% worse that when our farm only had mail, a telegraph and a "party" phone line. You had to ask the neighbour permission to butt into his call, if there was an emergency. Texting is LUDICRUOUS communication. (explain more later .. BUT I SHOULD NOT NEED TO! This has to be a collection of thinking contemplative people and you should already have considered them!) Sorry, not being mean .. we just have a SHORT TIME TO SAVE OURSELVES from "the end" .. and I need to learn to STAY ON TRACK, BRIEF AND CONCISE!
never mind climate change there is worse sooner.
Sorry .. of course because you are stressed just trying to pay rent and eat .. especially now that a tuna sandwich costs 6$ with no lettuce and white bread! You are not lucky enough to have disability and then pension to let you live securely trying to find answers and obsessively research! insecure stressed people can not REVOLT. But somehow we will have to. see below. (Fair Certified warning before May1 2023).
what is 100% proof they are completely BRAIN DEAD? I am supposed to eat a plant burger and buy an electric car to save pollution and energy. But in 2012 when the cloud was beginning it required the equivalent of 30 nuclear power plants to keep those storage servers going. Not to mention the brain damage being caused as all this crap gets thrown the OUR brains. The cloud is the most RIDICULOUS GREEDY stupidity yet invented. In order to keep us paying forever (instead of just buy a hard drive) they are willing to pollute from this energy of keeping our 7 million selfies in the cloud. INSANITY. But we just merrily follow along like sheep ants, good workers with fried brains. They WANT us stupid but since they are LEFT BRAIN they are even MORE stupid (shallow and selfish)
their brain wiring is destroyed and those opposing and demonizing have very little. functional wiring. We masses have more brain wiring and see the problems and even HAVE solutions BUT NOBODY LISTENS. We THINKERS are a THREAT to theM!
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Fri. Aug. 26, 2022. 3:00 pm put on full home page as INTRO .
If we know WHY everything is COLLAPSING .. and we have a PLAN or new "SYSTEM DESIGN" to fix it, then we have the POSSIBILITY to create a better QUALITY of LIFE! In spite of the Digital HELL facing us now, WE, together can make changes for the better! It is NOT too late if we start RIGHT NOW and actually work TOGETHER. NO Diversity or LgBQ, etc etc .. just WE .. Humans working together. Enough with letting them divide its every which way! The more ways we divide the less of an ARMY we can be. WE will have a quiet calm WAR against the way things are .. no more win! but lose for us.
We have a little time left to CHANGE our direction .. a small window of OPPORTUNITY. BUT .. unless we find our lost Personal Responsibility, and RE-LEARN to be self disciplined and SACRIFICE .. we Western "humans" are truly toast. Don't you also imagine god is pretty peeved at our decades of ever speeding disrespect for all our MANY AVAILABLE RESOURCES? We will relearn the many resources we have decreased and depleted with lack of respect .. and we will RE GROW THOSE RESOURCES!
We Will INCREASE our assets and even improve and utilize our Liabilities for good! (I am a constant complainer of poor illogical methods. I should have been a design consultant to improve architectural plans or a Restaurant Server trainer etc etc. My complaining could have made me good money as ADVISOR in the field! But education teaches nothing of value. It is to keep us from becoming a THREAT to the ruling class.) I swear we could run society or the economy BETTER than they do! Because we would think of MORE than money. Bog Company Workers are treated with such disrespect, they are totally LOSING THEIR HEALTH. It is almost like a plan!😈So weird, we must hurry.
The Reverse World SYSTEM, revised "capitalism" and "democracy" will be where everybody WINS .. not just the top 1%. (see Biden's student loan nonsense, those who make up to $125,000, don't repay?? Why not only up to $60,000 or even $30,000? and then help 2 or 3x as many REALLY needing help!) I wonder how many of the many, many random people I talk to make $125,000. I would say not one!!) We will check out the new FORWARD party. Gov't just does NOT work for us little church mice!
Our god became "profit" and needing "more" of everything. We followed the corporate Power Structure agenda MINDLESSLY like sheep. Don't worry, you young people, which I am focusing on, can TOTALLY blame us old guys. You should even go to war with us. I live in an OLD FOLKS home. I had no idea how self centred and greedy these people are .. with absolutely no empathy for your young struggle so much different and HARDER than ours! WE HAD ONE OR 2 JOBS FOR LIFE! The ever changing of "jobs" takes down your health! But then maybe I am not being fair, they are mostly "dementia-ed and alzheimered" which is also rubbing off on me! Please take any good ideas and save the world with them, if I lose my mind even more. But if you turn my ideas EVIL .. I WILL haunt you and HURT you forever. The whole aim of my system is "FAIR"! Unlike what we have today! We will be a WIN WIN society, instead of the always "Win/ Lose incessant competition" of the last ?century.
The image above, REPLACE it .. is how we will feel if we get busy sacrificing, not bowing down to big corporations and TOGETHER take control of our future. I PROMISE using my life's work we can do it!! I was always curious about everything, especially things that were not FAIR, or worked poorly. I always had a better way .. 🙉 but nobody listened.😢 Now I know why! Einstein said "if you can't say it simply, you don't understand it well enough." I think after HONESTLY 64 years of questions (I was 9 when my mom died) I think finally I see all my questions are ONE, allowing more simple, concise answers? Please bear with me until these NOTES are finished and then perfected. My sites are like 5 books on health .. no a one is complete! Blogs are easy .. books are INCREDIBE hard to publish. No wonder we have lost our intelligence! I can blog incomplete ideas in 30 minutes. This SYSTEM innovation and Resource Management analysis is evolving and changing. A blog does not necessarily come together in an orderly manner. I am sorry for the disaster of my incomplete work. Please take whatever ideas
If we know WHY everything is FAILING .. and we have a PLAN to fix it, then we can REGAIN some of our lost HOPE! Possibility allows an opening, to feel a little hopeful for change .. that will improve our quality of life.
Thurs. Sept. 1, 2022. noon
Sorry to be mean "successful" people! But my theory is that you are shallow and selfish and just make sure YOU win, and screw everything else. For years now I have been saying we live in a "me first, screw you" society. (But that is only SOME of us, those who need fast control and see only money.) But that has changed over the last years .. because so many DECENT people .. are STRESSED selfish and shallow. When you have no security and can barely pay rent and eat .. you have to just think of SURVIVING and do not have the LUXURY of thinking deeply!
To ponder and contemplate what my actions do to others well being, takes the luxury of time and a SECURE income! Most people are living life OVERWHELMED with change and loss of continuity which =STRESS. No wonder so many are UNCIVIL and rude. We have lost our REAL quality of life. 7 million shallow apps will NEVER create REAL Total Societal health. Our TOTAL Health is destroyed with MORE .. so no wonder zombies INTRUDE RUDELY on my sidewalk! I NEED to be more empathetic! I have grown to hate people. But "screen faced sheep ant" zombies HAVE already lost their humanity. We need to see if we can trade our Right (think) Left (act) BRAIN assets with those we are still close to. Can we bring some overwhelmed humans, turned zombies back onto our REVERSE WORLD island?
So all my sites need to be redone with a MORE KIND and compassionate focus for the many not as lucky as me with a secure pension.
Thurs. Aug 25, 2022. 700 pm
Did I diverge here?
It is a pain becaseu opposite to the POLITICAL left and right. that is merely where they sit in the capital. McGilchrists work is our actual BRAIN wiring. Since I found this work so much makes sense. Soon I will even be able to predict my daughter's or different politicians behaviour! McGilchrist's work surely does seem to explain a lot. But can we quickly learn it and use it? Most important can we quit "hating on" the other side? We are all brain DISABLED! unless we have BOTH hemisphere's working we are screwed! We 100% must try to UNDERSTAND each other's disability and use our RESOURCE TOGETHER so we BALANCE! Both of us are needed but REAL solutions (success)_) only happened using right first and the left hemisphere.
society = human relationships .. mcgilchrist is more scientific and history? I was fascinated how my daughter and I only battle .. thought if we knew we could expand it to BIGGER conflict ie societal. What do we need now most .. less demonization! We need to be empathetic vs demonize the other guy. Only by working together can we SURVIVE!
Sheep ants or donkeys are easy to control. We have been asses and let our brains be destroyed and numbed. (5 G EMF's will maybe finish us off before world end .. the other ways we are toast! .. rolled out while we feared covid, so we would not complain)
See below all the toxins of "progress" that have destroyed our brain wiring while we did worry about cancer and other health problems. If our brain is paralyzed and numb .. not functioning properly it is obviously far easier to keep us IN CONTROL. Do you seriously feel we are free .. or that we have any hope for "capitalism " to help us be "middle class" Thos days are gone, and young people feel anxious becaseu they KNOW It. All those "education" loans yet working as Barista.
sorry but where the frig did this TREE come from?? .. freaky! .. was trying to upload Charles schwabb quote .. no tree in sight!!
Thurs. Sept. 1, 2022. 12:30 pm
Are we ever happy? ee don't even KNOW what happy is any more .. so stressed surviving!! Maybe sitting on a TENEMENT STOOP in the 30's Great Depression was HAPPIER than now. I for one bereave it was .. we still communicated and shared LOCALLY .. SCREW GLOBAL! It has had DEVASTATING AFFECTS. We are on the screen "talking" to pope hundreds of miles away .. walking past the problems HERE NOW we should be forcing on. WE just followed what THEY wanted, and now we are just (useless eaters) to them. (There is no longer enough for ALL of us .. becaseu we did not SCREAM at all the idiocy and take some responsibility OURSELVES .. especially us BOOMERS! such hypocrites! hippy love .. yeah right .. = corporate or pension $ greed.
Even deciding which BEER to have becomes a humungous decision. Why do we need 3572 types? We used to BOND over our beer choice. All we do now is DEMONIZE each other .. we have no bonding opportunities left. Like TV shows used to bond us. Everybody watched ED Sullivan
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