Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Sat. Sept. 17, 2022. 11:30 am.
Maybe my poor daughter has such a long history of disagreement, she just gave up trying to DISCUSS ANYTHING decades before I gave up? Both of my kids lean to ACTION Thinking, while I forever wonder "why ..?" and "what if..?" .. "but what about ..?" Heart thinking. Then they accuse me of thinking I am god which is hurtful. AND YET .. THE REAL GOD WANTS US ALL TO BE LIKE HIM! CONSIDERATE, KIND and GIVING. Am I wrong? I wasted my life obsessed on developing this better SYSTEM, when I could have gone on cruises with the money I invested.
So ALSO being called EVIL (and god?) is so confusing. I think the minute I start ranting about the "big picture" my daughter tunes out? So my trying to understand things is just blah blah ".. all about YOU". Oh dear, it took me almost 3 decades to figure this out. I am a VERY slow learner, damn, take slow and multiply by 10. The answer? Left brains get confused by Right brain big picture (visionary) thinking. I want her to start THINKING less myopically, more BROAD MINDED .. but she NEEDS me to simplify. There is a reason that in 1995 first moving from teaching into business and sales, that I learned about K I S S ... Keep it simple stupid! OMG I so have to work on that. Get brief and concise! Decreasing my words and the time demanded to hear .. will take me months to clean up on each website "booklet". (Comprising our TOTAL Societal Health, or quality of life.)
Below are some of the final epiphanies that require removing much previous writing on these sites! especially see this FIRST one!
the ghost of Ben Franklin .. (by me)
Sat. Sept. 17, 2022. 10:30? am.
Left brains must honestly think we are BAD. Pretending to be saints when we are really devils. I have heard it enough from my kids that the confusion of realities made me incredibly despairing.
The answer .. "TRUTH?" is ..
their brain can not think big picture and is more myopic .. look after yourself .. you can't save the world .. who you think you are .. you can't even get your bills paid" True .. because that is day to day management which Left brains are GREAT at. they are CEO's managers of everything, with less and less Big Management having Right brain big picture vision.
But what I still can NOT UNDERSTAND what is their problem to see/ hear this and EVENTUALLY say .. "hmm .. interesting" and when repeated still more say .. "Hmm .. ok I will try to listen, HEAR and understand a new idea .. IF you will stop with the on and on and just talk about "normal (aka as SIMPLE? Gossip?) things. When people in these dire times are talking fashion, gossip or what friends are doing extensively I know they are not "my people". How the hell can you be worrying about ( .. add examples) when your entire existence is about to collapse from Civil War or no food from climate change?
Truth is .. I have been screaming for my daughter to LISTEN, "can't you SEE that .." for decades and giving up becaseu we just do not even speak the same (LANGUAGE?) Truth is YES she needs to stop being MYOPIC .. BUT I must quit trying to share my far sighted vision because she has no ability to SEE those broad vision DETAILS!!!! Without understanding confusion and frustration take over. SHE feels bullied and as a WARRIOR lashes out viciously. This seems so clear to me .. yet when I feel I am offering an olive branch .. I still get snarled at. I guess as MOTHER I really must just SHUT MY MOUTH. Send emoji's .. because I guess I can jut not get shallow enough. Maybe only say YOU .. ask you ..? I do not understand how talking about the world is making it about ME.
Hah! .. Thank you for being my imaginary friends because that is now so clear! We BOTH have VISION problems! The TRUTH or SOLUTION is BOTH of our ABILITIES TOGETHER. We need balanced vision to get through our day .. hence glasses. Similarly we need balance SEEING of problems! In a balanced body, the Right brain wonders and contemplates FIRST, while the Left brain then gets the job done. We used to have BALANCED LIFE VISION! Now that our brain wiring has been destroyed by the toxins of "progress", only what wiring remains works. Too often just one side right OR left is in abundance. The screaming liberals vs conservative in America are the perfect example. What happened to HEARING each other? Discussing , learning and then compromising? Without this .. humanity will just destroy each other. the stress has become to much to even be CIVIL .. and humanity is losing ground.
AGAIN .. she and all the others I "hate" (remember I am TOO LAZY to say "I do not like", that is 3 words and "hate" is one. I am a turtle and slow as hell, so I need to find TIME somewhere! I hate everything about the world so I spen a lot off time in the DO NOT LIKE AREA!!
Yup I am Charlie Brown's teacher .. apparently he was just "blah blah blah"ing .. I will hire professional writers, editors? to fix my bad stuff. OK!! back to title and is there any hope. Left brains exasperatedly say "just be more positive. you are so negative". I have been hating on those balanced or Left brain people for a year now! Life would be so easy just shallow simple minded "be more positive .. you are so negative".
Finally I get the TRUTH of these very opposing views. I am NOT negative. does thinkng and seeing a cliff ahead mean you are negative? If something is going to explode and I say "This is BAD, beware!" the I am being negative??? I do not get it? I am the canary in the coal mine screaming that we should get out .. but I am just being negative? I guess Left brains or even balanced brains say "It is what it is. The world does what it does and YOU JUST HAVE TO ADJUST". These poor people have given up or really do believe if you shut the problems out they will go away. and they actually have a point. Apparently we get what we focus on. So it is now time for me to focus on BUILDING the SYSTEM I have created and BELIEVE with positive focus we can do it!
ok I joinde a group and they maybe were like me always complaining and whining about the site of the world . DO SOMETHING .. I am a SYSTEM architect! I DID do something
put last most NB triangle as big photo
When THEY say "you are so negative, just be positive or go away." this turtle finally figured out why I get so OFFENDED. Have raged against POSITIVE PEOPLE for a long time in JEALOUSY at how lucky they are to be so calm amidst looming collapse. Why their calm AGGRAVATES me .. is that WE are standing on Train tracks. There is a train coming FAST, and I am screaming we are going to die if we do not GET OFF THIS TRACK! I am screaming because they seem oblivious to the danger coming! UNAWARE, in their shallow "me, here and now" myopic state I think I am HELPING by giving a warning. Instead I am the negative crazy lady for all the warnings. So unfair .. they say no good deed goes unpunished. Another job is to take very saying and list it UNDER LEFT OR RIGHT BRAIN. That is definitely RIGHT brain becaseu left are usually successful in our shallow world. but the pay back for this shallowness of NOT LISTENING is now here.
yet ..
THEY are absolutely right! What is the point of constantly being horrified at every new stupidity or warning sign we Right or balanced Brains see? THEY are right .. we must ACCEPT .. and start to work on a solution with a POSITIVE mindset.
Explain Magic CAR .. "save the world" BAR JOKE and Retirement BDAY celebration. 3 times the MAGIC MAGNET worked and I ONLY kind of believed the last one. I did not even need belief in the 2 MOST amazing .. for them to ACTUALLY .. MAGICALLY BECOME REALITY. That still gives me goose bumps. So all this war between my daughter and I, is sad. She is RIGHT! But we just can not HEAR each other becaseu I speak with my heart brain and she speaks with her head brain. Both are needed but if not a bit balanced we turn into ENEMIES. So very sad! Is there any way we do not end up with Sten King's STAND .. killing each other. Seems such a waste of resources. I get mad becaseu THEY were ready to put us thinkers in the asylum. Why can't we now put THEM there since we now have to clean up their FAST ACTIOn brain (no REAL Thinking) mess.
OMG!! from psychology today and they better way up to Mcgilchrist. Guess you can beoeiev NOTHING! Have they seriously not read McGilchrist??
No. While the brain’s left and right hemispheres do handle distinct functions, their duties aren’t strictly divided according to broad categories like “logical” or “creative.” People can't be split neatly into groups with special strengths based on one hemisphere being more dominant.
No No . the last needs McGilchrist research!! BUT .. I guess this is not COMPLETELY wrong! I am constantly thinking I need to find a better way to describe right left because I SHOULD say PREDOMINATELY left wiring or PREDOMINATELY right. Should we call it that PRB or PLB? HOPEFULLY most people are SOMEWHAT BALANCED! My daughter and I are too far opposite to be able to CONVERSE. WE are like the liberals and conservatives screaming in America. Yet when you listen THEY ARE BOTH RIGHT .. it just needs DISCUSSION and COMPROMISE!! eg. sending migrants to M V is evil! Horrible to use people as pawns in your goals. YET .. the gov has a good point .. not really fair what is happening. The screamers who want attention and POWER have lost their ability to LISTEN HEAR and RECONSIDER for compromising!
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T will never change her shallow viewpoint. I give up. The diagram PROVES YES! ,.. my way or the highway. I am ALWAYS right, because I look at the WHOLE iceberg not just the EASY shallow tip of it!!
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Thurs. Sept. 15, 2022. 3:00 pm
add .. T "glad you quit arguing with yourself" .. BUT = THINKING! We should ALL be arguing with ourself.
I am also thankful. for my son because we discussed ABORTION from opposite sides. After ?54 years I finally changed my viewpoint! why could that not have happened when I was 20? The answer is becaseu I was left brain about it! ACTION .. or TASK BRAIN vs HEART brain. So I have to SUFFER for 6 months. There are people who want my baby. My belief was there is far far more to raising a child than saying it is ALIVE and popping it out of your womb. the NURTUR of that child makes it the human he becomes. Forcing me to be PUNISHED with the care and worry and empathy for my offspring for maybe 60 years is a HUGE punishment for maybe 5 min of sex! People kill people and get less punishment .. I say punishment becaseu parenting is a RESPONSIBILITY, WORK!! SACRIFICE, a huge job of teaching humanity and kindness and consideration and building self confidence. How can you do that ALONE? Parenting is 100x the WORK of managing a pet and I would not even take on the job of a PET! Yet now finally TOO late .. I no longer see not allowing abortion as a life sentence (I choose to have my children .. but they were still much worry work and sacrifice. And they got BAD parents even though we CHOSE to have them!! OK .. when I am dictator you need a LICENSE to have kids. I doubt we would have passed!)
I mentioned this becaseu why could I not have been open EARLIER to hear my son'e opposing ideas? It is becaseu in this area I was acting LEFT brain. My decision is made, here is the answer .. game over .. my decision is final. On "The ONION" I am that inside elastic layer below the brittle brown outer shell. The brown layer is REAL Left brains who do more TASK thing than HEART thinkng. Although sam definitely a pain in the neck Right (there is always a BUT thinker in this case there was no changing my mind. I only me, myself and I choose when I take on the responsibility of raising a child. There is no discussion, no but, noway .. just its my body and life and I am not READY to raise another human being. So our world today has been taken over by left brittle sheep demonizing opposing right elastic shells NEITHER ONE DOING ANY LISTENING, HEARING OR RECONSIDERING!
We are a bag of missing onions! Truth is in the hard work of all those layers that are the real gold! Those other 2 layers get disagree and should be in our society! only thinkng thought he hard confusion comes up with a BALANCED solution to whatever the question is !
truth is that bottom root! closer to the reality, but humans will still twist it to their own experiences. maybe why I argue with myself is to find REAL truth .. their IS no my truth .. what a self absorbed ATTITUDE! What the frig another MUTILATION of words. Who the hell made up the weirdness that I could have MY truth?? I can have ny feeling and perspective making it hard fo rme to listen .. but I know I am not taking in the whole picture. HaH obviously a myopic ME Left brain made that up. Real Right brains want the WHOLE picture not a little self absorbed TUNNEL.
an example ..Thurs NBC News .. Fla descants sends migrants to Martha's Vineyard. Democrats scream "using humans to make your political point". Desants is the crinkly outside layer. Liberal Politicians are the elastic inner layer. WE THROW BOITH THOSE OUT in our food prep. Let's throw out the politicians! They are both right. It is a terrible inhuman thing to do for all involved BUT he is right .. the south shoulders the burden of illegal immigration. Both sides have a valid point but instead of discussing to compromise they take the EASY WASY .. JUST DEMONIZE THE OPPOSING SIDE INSTEAD OF THINKNG ABOUT IT. The NB part of the onion (thinkng) is not the good bad black white it mis the middle all the layers of facts that need to be UNDERSTOOD and compromised!! How did we get so stupid? ( see toxins of "progress" LINK)
Do you not notice it seems the nicest people get all the bad luck?
and karma is NOT a bitch .. those left brain (bitches) get away with it all! (Sandrie) while I am conned into being kinder TODAY .. vs new careers for the future.
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Lies and more lies to shut us Thinkers up. To make us feel stupid and like we are just negative, while THEY destroy everything in humanity with their GREED .. at least their NARROW "me/ mine, here , now" myopic thinking. FREE WILL is the worst. So I chose to fail? No I failed becaseu too many zombies see only SELF and are oblivious to what their superficial solutions are doing to the planet. Even todays plant burgers and electric cars. LUDICRUOUS! I heard to keep up with our energy needs (needing selfies in the cloud) we will need to allow and build hundreds of NUCLEAR power plants. Screw your free will. I chose to try to solve big problems and all I got was mental illness DIAGNOSIS. Do you not realize those are all to shut down us THINKERS?? We are trouble for them!
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