Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Mon. Oct 3, 2022. 10:30 am
Something bad will happened soon, storms? infrastructure collapse? civil unrest? Feeling DOWN, dejected or Worrying .. is a waste of our precious time! (When we have a toothache we wish we had appreciated our teeth BEFORE the pain. We kind of yell at our self for not being more grateful for at least NO PAIN in our miserable day.
Maybe "it can always be WORSE" is a good mantra for these times? Think that today is better than it COULD be .. it will get worse .. so breathe, and plan our rebellion, instead of feeling dejected. (I say WORSE because our physical and emotional health is also being destroyed DAILY now toward its collapse. (SADS! Maybe " Sudden Adult Death" syndrome, common now, is cause by STRESS!)
So .. MAKE .. it a good day. 😄 ..😳 😒 It is YOUR choice!
YOU! get to CHOOSE your focus! EVEN when rent is due, and there are no $! Because “worrying” is just a rocking chair going NOWHERE fast and using all our ENERGY.
Take control! This day will be gone and it is OUR choice how we spend it. 😩 The dread or sick stomach WORRY .. CHANGES nothing. We just lost MORE VALUE from our LIFE LEDGER ACCOUNT in "time" AND worse .. "positive energy". But we also passed on our sad energy and reduced the balance of VALUE in our COMMUNITY Ledger. That does not mean we should not share or look for a supportive ear .. just do NOT carry the dejection or concern with you through the day? Seriously! How does it help? It only hurts us. (And makes those who ignore our BIG Societal problems selfishly, responding with only "Don't be so negative!" hate us! They are LAZY and wrong but why waste energy on them .. be Georgia!
Take it from me there are times when ONLY believing in god or the magic magnet bringing good to us .. saves us from a heart attack or visit to the ER for the stress of fear induced stomach pain. There is nothing worse than when a loved one seems ready to take their life .. yet calling professionals would forever destroy your relationship. ONLY BELIEF can get you thru .. and I am now using that tool DAILY. I guess after that REAL not "worry" terror .. everything seems easy by comparison? Take my advice .. FOR ONCE I AM USING IT! (isn't there a funny quote about that? "Take my advice .. I'm nor using it." by an OLD comedian?) Maybe my horrid event also proves there is some good does come from even a most awful horror. I think I am now more relaxed than pre trauma? Maybe we should say, "Why worry? It COULD get worse" .. meld positive with our big picture KNOWLEDGE! 🥸
Face it! Things will only get WORSE in society soon, so enjoy the sun and “calm” of now. HOPE we can get together to make change 🙂 BUT .. The only thing that will save us, is controlling our mind. We use that "WORRY ENERGY" for positive ACTION instead. (If feeling DOWN, maybe read Victor Frankel (he survived a concentration camp), NO tik tok! or internet, soon we will have no power, so buy a GOOD BOOK.)
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