Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
If we take a Personal ACCOUNTING of our Life and Self, it can give us a beginning sense of control. FeeWe know our weaknesses to be aware of, but we also KNOW we have GOOD CHARACTERISTICS which others can be missing. We can share Resources with our community, each of us having value to add, and trade. "Free" was wrong.
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
- an ability to shut things out vs useless focus on things that can not be changed,
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Richard Boles, would he give a subscription? or download to struggling people?
Some of our ASSETS can also be LIABILITIES
over thinking = considering detail .. but no ACTION happens
contemplating all relevant ideas in solving a problem, sometimes leads to inaction
this inaction slows necessary decisions and project completion. This has reduced the respect given to us "consequence oriented minds". Sometimes this lack of respect is part of the STIGMA of "Mental Illness". But at this point in our apocolypse it is time for less contemplative minds to LISTEN to the thinkers. Action minds need listen to earth day proponents and now it is too late. Other Systems are now also collapsing and if the action minds do NOT listen to the contemplative Thinkers .. we are done. (see Judgement Day and heaven? or the Schumann Resonance and raised consciousness)
Action minds get frustrated and confused by ABC .. XYZ Thinkers. Their mind thinks A .. so lets DO B, action! Just "get 'er done" and stop zig zagging around thinking forever. Those are thoughts of possible consequences, it would be good to listen to. Instead Action minds just DO it .. but usually the end result is bad. Imagining and Planning for consequences slows action .. BT PREVENTS MANY PROBLEMS LATER.
Thinkers have too long been called the WORRIERS, those who slow progress, but at this point the true value of progress is compromised. It is time to listen to the Thinkers and stop writing them off. Both types of brain wring have value but Thinkers have for too long been written off .. and now all our quick action systems are failing.
Instead of "Yike! is this world end? .. am I going to die?" .. We now have the time free .. to RESET our previously insane world. We have the "STOP TIME", available now, to CHOOSE how we want our Society to be "POST apocalypse." We can CHOOSE to consider this as a Great OPPORTUNITY instead of only feel fear and loss of control!
There are 2 sides always to everything! The side we choose = our attitude, AND as a result .. our SUCCESS. You heard about (Oprah's) "SECRET" back when? Take a new look now, at Neuroscience and Quantum Physics (Dr Joe Dispenza?). What we focus on, is what we get! Don't go there and then leave us, because you think this site is too ("airy fairy"). There is so much AMAZING SCIENCE now, that we were never taught. It can surely help us TAKE BACK CONTROL. We have given up our Personal Responsibility and just keep begging others for a "job". Make a better one, by believing in your own skills and talents! We are ALL equally special.
The stress we feel now, will make us unhealthy EVEN in the future. Let's put our time and energy to better use, and INVEST it. "Jobs" have become too scarce and fleeting. Workers no longer get respect or Loyalty from Corporations. Why do we BEG the "big guys" for jobs? We each have god given skills and talents .. NO UNIVERSITY OR TUITION NEEDED! Believe that! check out this awesome tool! This work will take a while .. what we SHOULD have learned in school .. How to survive without begging!
Why has "education" not focused more on teaching that? We have forgotten "education" is just an INDUSTRY, creating 20 year repeat customers. We saw Engineers and Lawyers who were coffee Baristas! For that they went into 2? Trillion $ student debt? Investigate the skills whoever created us gave you. Your compassion? or speed of multitasking? or skill cooking? growing plants? good with kids? old people? or teaching others. There are areas in which you shine that others will be happy to pay you for!
The community we build will let us trade our skills so each of us has a good life. Not just getting by, every month worrying if the next will be ok? We will not need to depend on "them" for our survival.
(Study Richard Boles "What Colour is your Parachute.") Start something like this. papa! family on demand!!
Over the past 5 years there has been a complete Health Revolution. Finally the word is out that what you DO, affects your Health .. no drugs needed. Fix what you are doing instead! Once you study this, You can coach others or just support the long journey in finding out what inflames our bodies. Most disease is caused by inflammation. Once you have expertise in the Real HEALTH, not "care" System, you can support others to be patient. in the long journey investigating our body. We will get MbD's .. "my body detective/ doctor" once we gain KNOWLEDGE.
Eventually we will have a Traditional Doctor at each Community location, supported by various levels of "Intelligence" Coaches. A good definition for INTELLIGENCE is "knowing there is always more to learn, more to study, more to know. There is always more to investigate on EVERY idea! Is there even such a thing as FACT?". People who think merely in good/ bad, black/ white terms, will be banned from our Island. We will turn "Information and Data" into "INTELLIGENCE" or real knowledge. A I will never be able to compete with THINKING Humans! KNOWLEDGE is KING .. not information overload! (see REVERSE WORLD community)
Maybe Health is not your thing, but you love flowers as the creators of stress reduction. You can build a career with that passion. You just have to think of all the ways you can help others. They will pay for your talents! We share our RESOURCES long forgotten. And we forgot BARTER. But soon we won't need to. We will use a new BLOCKCHAIN Trade system. My skill is collating or gathering divergent ideas into large solutions, and Systems. Those with Tech skill plus having innovative minds for new inventions (the Block chain they say will be BIGGER than the Internet was!) will contribute to our shared resource word "Reverse World"
Mike Bloomberg made his money creating INTELLIGENCE for Business. Do you think we could get him to create a parallel "INTELLIGENCE FOR PEOPLE"? .. an Encyclopedia on steroids? You could license your research findings in your favourite area to him, for ongoing income! "Search" has surely made us stupid. Google and it's (page one) owns our brain! Let's take back HUMAN Intelligence, which A I can NEVER compare to.
WAKE UP!! Maybe you are NOT a horrible person, but get your dog out of my way on the sidewalk. I exist, I am here, alive .. you do not OWN the sidewalk. Your dog is NOT more important than a passing Human. You are either an ignorant selfish person making me walk in the gutter or street .. or OBLIVIOUS! Your incivility is horrifying. OBLIVION to others needs is NOT an excuse to degrade Society. Without civility society collapses. Can you wake up before it is too late? Get your brain in gear and FOCUS. You are now out in the community NOT YOUR OWN PLACE. (I pick on dog owners because am from a farm. City dog people are probably ranting vegan /animal rights people as they hypocritically take their huge dog back to a tiny studio apt. How MEAN you are to that dog. probably ranting about the injustice of zoos but it is OK to cage the dog you SAY you love. WAKE UP!!)
from April 1, 2020, Regent Park, TO. .. the morning of the (??? .. Divine Intervention?) photo. Is the guy in charge, giving us one last chance to be more respectful of ALL our forgotten Resources? We did not only disrespect the environment, we respected nothing but MORE .. and faster. We could now come back from the insane world we created, using more of our neglected, but important Resources. We purely focused on money. Now we could actually create a better quality of life than MOST had, with more respect for our local Community's Human Resources!
Are we forgetting that for 90% of us, life was NOT great before the covid apocalypse? Instead of fearing a worse "Great Depression", this really could be the best thing that happened to our Digital Dystopia. It could be a "Great RESET" .. where we many struggling citizens come out with better, happier lives! We were pretty much a crazy world before .. better is ENTIRELY possible. Our uncivil overwhelmed Society of "phone faced sheep ants" rushing to jobs that could end at any minute, was Dystopia. Let's set up a new System that is closer to U- topia than Dys-topia. We truly could do it. IF .. we connect as one community, with one goal .. a better Society for ALL, not just a few like we had.
Sorry to be manic .. but I just went out to get more paper pads .. (I mean who trusts Digital screens that could lose our brilliant ideas). I swear that I interacted with more people in an hour, than in a whole year previously!! A nod, a smile, a "Hello" or even a "Thank you" for staying out of the 6 ft way. It was mind blowing, and made me very hopeful! And that number of interactions does not count the 70% of people that I IGNORED, because they had dogs. (Is it just me or do dog owners tend to be oblivious that I get to have part of the sidewalk too?)
We forgot that our Society .. REAL people geographically around us, is important. We got too addicted with connecting virtually anywhere in the country, and neglected our REAL local community. Connecting with others IN REAL LIFE is an awesome Resource, but enamoured with the web's reach, we have neglected REAL LIFE.
Now after covid, some people are sharing on their streets .. a new kind of NEIGHBOURHOOD, now helping each other out, picking up groceries or sharing whatever they have. In our fascination with "Global connection", we forgot how important REAL physical Human connection is. Although we must stay 6 ft apart, we are connecting with others in our area far more! This is wonderful! And "Post apocalypse" this new connection can be the solution to rebuild our failed "economy". What these neighbourhoods are doing .. Trading and sharing, thinking of others, is how we come out of this BETTER!
We invented AirBnB and Uber. We called it the "share economy" but it was really Capitalism on STEROIDS! Invest nothing, use other people's resources, and give them a small "share" of revenue, but no real protection. Individuals involved take ALL the risk. While the companies can be even less responsible to their people. No employees, little to invest in .. rather seems "capitalism on steroids".
We are going to build a TRUE SHARE Industry and Economy System. I have developed this group of new "System's" Foundation for decades, as a personal obsession. With your skills and expertise, we 100% can create a better Society, using my investment as a basis. This free time gives a Golden opportunity to those who join in.
Those wanting to remain in the OLD Dysfunctional Digital DYSTOPIA can do so. But they will be stuck in the mess created with our past addiction to MORE and faster. Digital 2.0 includes Blockchain and "REVISED Capitalism". We are right now living in a life of less. We may have to begin by not SUPPORTING some of the big Corporations that run the world. But the Pioneers survived, and Mennonites do today. I doubt that will happened to us, because there are smart Corporations who will see the value of joining our "Reverse World" .. Revised Capitalism.
People are being so creative with their time use. Going back to traditional old games and making things around the kitchen table. Unable to go out much, we realize how much we actually forgot to appreciate. We also forgot being in nature and being grateful for all of it, always too focused on our screen. I am so much more appreciative of little ignored things now. Probably true for most of us?
Most of us took everything for granted before. In the past, I often tried to think GRATITUDE, but I really did not appreciate society still working relatively well. However, my obsessive writing that our society was collapsing may be very useful now .. because I tried to find innovative new ways of solving some of these problems .. vs purely complaining. I had taken a University (class?) several times, that taught and lamented World End. But I gave it up in frustration, because those lazy Boomers were doing NOTHING to think of solutions. Some of the Solution Systems created will be useful now!
In early March, we were only thinking about money .. and MORE. We forgot so many Resources important in our life! (friends/ family, attitude, connections, SKILLS AND TALENTS!) We even forgot the VALUE of our TIME. The 24 hours given to us every day are often squandered on silly memes and Instagram competitions. We have forgotten we could invest our time better. We can learn to create our own JOB! (Study Richard Boles "What Colour is your Parachute.")
?? .. This was real!! Sunrise, April 1, 2020 Corktown TO. Canada, (sorry re. the intrusive frog leg)
Time is a weird bank account. Unlike the great idea to SAVE money, you can never save time. It is just gone forever! You can only use it wisely by "INVESTING" it. That doesn't mean you can't invest it in fun, creativity, going outside or chatting with friends. Those are all good investments into our other Life Resources. But we should be investing a lot of that slippery time into building our Future. Investing in our Future does NOT consist of YouTube and games all day, or gossiping, instagramming competitions or especially mindless worry and panic. We do not respect how Time is lost so easily. Actually we have truly been disrespected of all our Resources in recent times, never mind just environmental ones!
Time is like a moving stream, except we can not damn it up to control it. We have no control .. it just slips away from us. Unless we learn to control our mind to HARNESS our time, it is gone forever .. never to be replaced. (see "mind control" link, nearer to the page end). We can invest in learning now to be better off in the future, not worse as we are fearing.
Either the news is misleading us .. or most people are just frittering this TIME OPPORTUNITY away .. MINDLESSLY. Why aren't we learning something that can give us a better, more respected INCOME in future? Why are we not investing so we never again need to depend on someone else for a "job". A "job" that gets no respect, ESPECIALLY from either greedy, or struggling Employers? We can each make our OWN "Personal Income" depending on no one, except our own personal responsibility and expertise.
Yes, we each and every single one of us have SPECIAL talents and skills. But no one in the "Education" system ever reminded us of this. The push was always to go to University for a good job. But in recent years it was more to be in debt forever, while working at Starbuck's. We need to get creative with sharing our skills! So let's spend this extra unexpected free time as an OPPORTUNITY to learn more about ourselves, and develop our "Life Health Intelligence."
Everyone of us has something to contribute to our NEW shared community, REVERSE WORLD. Something we can share, for the other needed items and resources we do not have. It began as Barter and evolved into 'money' .. which will be hard to come by after this (apocalypse). Let's build our own Trading System with the Block Chain. But only decent, sharing, kind Citizens and Corporations can be part of the new Reverse World Community we build.
Start by getting ideas from these several prototype websites below, and the Specialists linked to them. Start using the "gift of time" we just unexpectedly got, to our own advantage! Let's build our own REAL Sharing community .. (not uber and air BnB "fake sharing" .. as in Capitalism on steroids) Let's use this OPPORTUNITY to create our own "LIFE HEALTH INTELLIGENCE" shared Community.
Copyright © 2020 the Great RESET - All Rights Reserved.
TIME lost TODAY, can never be INVESTED Tomorrow