Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Shouldn’t WE be fighting? (Tam text someone will protest for us) Fukushima sounds interesting. = movie she sent.
A mess in Russia now eh?
Who knows the TRUTH about that power plant ?
Maybe humans have lost their ability to be patient enough to FIND truth? 🤔 🧐 🥸 Whoa! Great question!!
We want instant convenience .. which TRUTH will NEVER be!! 🥸
But I said OCTO- FUNGI is the solution to a flawed dictator. As dictator, I would make everything be QUIET, not LOUD and screaming as our society now is in EVERY single facet of our life. Even hair screams .. it must now be a rainbow of colour. (please, just kill me .. everything is screaming at me!) I think us Right brains are more sensitive and therefore empathetic to others.. but it makes life hell to be sensitive in every way. Life has really become TORTURE to those of us not so balanced Right brains.
Mon. Sept 19, 2022, 5:30 pm
Remember, Conservatives or Republicans are LEFT brain. They act to get the job done .. a WARRIOR instead of asking questions first and WORRYING .. to be sure to UNDERSTAND CLEARLY . Left brain (Conservatives) are the ones with guns. Liberals want NO guns today. Society is too stressed and overwhelmed. Things can go WRONG when a GUN is so easy to shoot and there is so much overwhelm and STRESS!.
Perfect example of "shoot first" ask questions later!!! HORRIBLE!
I watch Buffalo TV. Kid went to college in Tampa, FLa. Celebrating 19th bday, came home in Uber. For some reason though he was going in another Uber and opened another car's door. Driver shot and killed him fearing for his life. ?? 1) Why was your door not LOCKED, idiot if you are so terrified?? 2) Might have been nice to point the gun screaming "What the hell are you doing??" If the guy is drunk you may have to call the cops to drag him out .. but SERIOUSLY??
Make a little mistake in Florida .. and you DIE!! Kind of a long term solution for a small mistake .. BUT .. that is a Left brain for you! Shoot First! ask questions later. A PERFECT PERFECT Example what I am screaming about. Once you watch my theory in real life (Left brains ACT fast) it all fits perfecty for the INSANITY we see daily. He should not have had the gun in a still HUMAN society .. but just maybe be more RESPONSIBLE?!! .. AND CARING OF YOUR FELLOW HUMANS!!!
Unbelievable .. and he will probably not be charged! I would charge him with STUPIDITY ON STEROIDS and put him in an asylum till he learns to use his Right brain AND THINK BEFORE ACTING! Unfortunately his and too many's Brains are DISABLED so .. "lock him up, lock him up! 😬 🙄
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Mon. June 27, 2022.
sorry .. this is from 2 plus years ago but 23 people came here last week for no known reason! I am NOT (SEO??) in google purposely .. very strange .. but I was going to cancel the site .. and when I saw that .. I decided to keep this till I have time to FIX IT! Mean time check out take back control. also incomplete. SORRY! I NEED HELP!!
Tools to reduce our stress
This site was begun mid April .. and sadly I am no longer so hopeful. There is evil going on, far worse than any virus. (UN Agenda 21) To feel able to go on, we need to believe in (god) OR study the new Science and Reality theories. Quantum Concepts suggest that we (SOME of us) are moving to a higher consciousness level. My dream is that those of us who put others before self, will exist in a new reality. Our "world" will somehow be apart from those "me first, screw you" monsters.
Maybe they are just ignoring our needs, in trying to COPE? But if they are just SELFISH, those uncivil souls are sadly too common today. Some kind of HOPE gives us a raft or lifeline to hang onto, amidst the "profit/power evil" completely taking over our lives. I hope the dream of higher CONSCIOUSNESS, that lets me get out of bed each (same nightmare) day, can also help you.
Violence against others or SELF, will not solve this problem But maybe it gives us a feeling of control? .. at a time when we feel a complete LOSS of any control over our life, or our family and friends well being. Hearing the ongoing nonsense Social Media competitiveness re curing boredom .. is enraging to those truly struggling! Sometimes in wondering how "they" got so lucky in life, our resentment can turn to wanting revenge. This is when civil unrest begins. So please check the formula below that saved me .. a few times!
The 5 STAR STRESS can also include Levels 1 and 2 stress on top of the Rent due terror! .. and what if that poor soul is also teaching kids! People can NOT withstand this amount of stress on stress!! For most of us, this much stress is not humanly possible to bear, especially ALONE. The epidemic of violence, (Lashing out or Inward, because of LOSS OF HOPE), will be far worse than corona was. Check Victor Frankl's, "Man's Search for Meaning" .. how does one maintain HOPE in a Concentration camp?? .. amazing)
February 2020
Together we can build a new way to live .. better than the crazy behaviour that got to be the norm before covid 19. We had seriously turned into an UN-civil Society. If we use this Time to create new innovative Systems, our lives can be better than ever! OR .. we can waste this opportunity on silly YouTube video's and competitive Instagram posts. The we will get at BEST .. a return of the unequal, rushed and stressed for no good reason "Culture" we had before covid.
The Information we consume matters just as much as the FOOD we put in our body .. We need MORE INTELLIGENCE, not less!
Take Personal Responsibility for your future! Let's use this OPPORTUNITY to figure out how to trade our own Resources between us. We can "encourage" those Fortune 500's who want to sell to us to become
B Corp PLUS Certified. (Pay fair taxes, respect Employees, the Environment, Community AND still be philanthropic!) Actually .. unless they become Certified they may not "Sponsor" our Patriotic National PTSD Veteran Career Project.
We would rather you start now .. with outside links and thinking about our concepts. Time lost today can never be invested tomorrow!
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TIME lost TODAY, can never be INVESTED Tomorrow