Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Friday, Sept 16, 2022 7:00 am
How the hell did we get so lazy? THINK a little bit instead of asking a doctor for a DISEASE name and drug to match it!! Why can't you sleep? Why are you having headaches? Why does your hand hurt? Most things are inflammation and you can be a DETECTIVE (link MbD) and find out what is wrong with you .. YOURSELF. everyone's body is different, sensitive to different things. But many have now been categorized so when we share our findings of problems and their solutions we can do a far better job of HEALTH than the GENERALITY of "medicine". Hey .. its in the NAME idiot us! we call it MEDICINE. In Canada they have ACTUALLY tried to take away REAL medicine, herbs and supplements that are no longer available in our over modified food. Learn your body, THINK investigate be your own body DETECTIVE not a source of profit for Galen Weston (ADD ..Canada is even MORE evil re Galen monopoly!)
Example of being a "body DETECTIVE" I have horrible pain in my hand if I write or type too much. Read something about typing with 2 fingers and WONDERED
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Fri. Sept. 23, 2022. 9:30 am
Like the old Hime ECONOMICS we will create our OWN economy, and give everyone who cons and scams us a very HARD time. Case in point, everything is going up in price. My Shepherd pie basic every week meal went from like 5$ to 7$ and they say inflation is WHAT? 5%?? My math says so much we need is more like 20!! %. Now if the farmer was paying more for his ingredients and transport I would d be happy to pay!
But often it is just Mr P C our "President's Choice" man who takes the increase as profit .. while all the little guys try to eat the increase. What infuriated me was not only is the Shepherd's Pie 2$ more, it is only half there!! The tray is near empty but you can't see this, until you open it! THEN .. 🤬 the third reason we have to take down President's Choice evil .. it is FREAKIN' half made of corn!! Damn it, he has the most delicious Shepherd's pie I live on, but by the time I scoop out the damn corn to eat separately, I have like 2 tablespoons of supper left! No! evil people must die now unless they want to STOP being so SHALLOW and SELFISH. War to them, the enemy. Sorry, but how come POWER people get to say "go to this war and get killed or kill .. so you come home with PTSD." But I will be demonized or in jail for saying we need to wage our own WAR. But we are kinder than THEM .. we give an OPTION. "Be kind, decent and FAIR, or you are off our island .. and will no doubt drowned" .
We need to refuse to shop Gale Weston's evil (Loblaw's, PLUS most are HIS grocery stores, and then Shoppers DRUG!!!) I will shop there ONLY when I am ripping them off. Like every sale item ONLY! So if everything we buy is ON SALE or on Senior day, HE LOSES PROFIT! The whole purpose of sales is to get you in and then BUY MORE. Let's stop being SO STUPID. we need to wake up and change the goal. No more win lose (us) .. with Costco as Partner .. (anybody know anybody in Management?) we will only eat THEIR food products. Please add to my tasks .. developing a SYSTEM to join up seniors who are still decent humans .. to REVERSE the senior discount, into a senior UPCHARGE, for YOUTH"S benefit.
Since we Boomers were free love hippies and messed everything up (We STOLE young people's FUTURE!) .. we do NOT get a reward! .. but a WITHDRAWAL from our secure bank account! We can show RESPECT for a senior's wisdom but hy do we get EXTRA respect when we had NO respect or care for those coming after us? We are secure our pension and do not have to work! My kids will have to work till they die and that will be SOON because there is so much STRESS to just survive today! So the still human (not greedy) senior's discount will go into a FUND for young people. There are still some seniors that are NOT oblivious, and they will UNDERSTAND the concept and contribute. WE could get AARP (Carp) to partner. Then our new senior buddies will mentor and help teach young people the "REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE" as in CONSERVE mentality we old boomers grew up with!
Finding sale items and then taking Galen's points to save even more, gives such a feeling of CONTROL. It is sad that is what our feeling of controlling our life has come to! BUT .. at least this gives me DISCIPLINE BELIEF to actually DO the thing I imagine in my head. Us (Right brain) Thinkers/worriers too often get stuck in our head with ideas .. but forget to actually DO, carry out the concept to ACTION! That is why Left brains will always be ahead of us. They just do it! To hell with the problems the action COULD produce.
Most Left Brain management is myopic, narrow minded for profit. A Worrier's (Right Hemisphere) brain just does NOT think " me/mine, here, now" to our own detriment. And to the world's detriment because our WORRIED concern is now coming to chaotic reality. We were NEVER listened to, just called "so negative!" by Left brain Warriors. Where our ATTENTION lies is where our SOCIETY lands. The ATTENTION of the power structure was MYOPICLY on profit and gaining MORE POWER. 60plus years of this now leave us in hell, the big picture we always envisioned! But there have to be way more of us still logical people .. able to discuss opposite ideas, because of our BALANCED BRAIN. WE will set up new systems that work better!
Say Costco partners with us ... we will take their past date "best before" food or those foods they get at a great price, and feature them in our local "CHURCH .. library cafe". I will work to provide creative ways to use these foods, so that we have emotional SUSTENANCE, as well as nutrition and HEALTH while ALSO saving us money.
Those $ will be in OUR pocket, NOT Galen Weston's. Canada's system of inflaming bodies with processed food toxins (sugar) and then prescribing drugs for what was PURPOSELY CAUSED .. is utterly shocking. The guy who feeds us delicious "Presidents" Choice food, FULL OF THE TOXINS THAT INFLAME OUR BODY .. then sells us the products and drugs that supposedly calm our "disease" created by them! Amazing, and I hear NO outcry in any media .. my decades in USA made me miss this unbelievable corporate evil.
Who knows maybe they are all truly just brain fried, not EVIL or alien. Would he RE VAMP and join us instead, and start to attempt to act human??? Seriously, maybe the Corporate Power structure never even realized, that in trying to make us buy more with their sugar infusion .. they would seriously DESTROY their own brain. Why do you think we are all STUPID? Because sugar inflames the brain and is in EVERYTHING .. even green giants buttered peas. No I did not read the label becaseu I still just EXPECT decency of which there now exists very little! (You do know there are like 54 names for sugar that you don't maybe recognize! WHY??? Wonder about that for awhile) I have my entire life!
I Bought Habitant Pea soup on sale 2$ for 2 lunches. I am too lazy to dig out the can opener but one cup has 8!! grams of PROTEIN and only 3!!! grams of sugar plus it is CHEAP. You have to trade some energy opening it and finding a mug, plus WALKING with this very heavy can (I should wake up to delivery, eh?) we need to learn to value each thing this way. hah but more needs to be added .. like enjoyment. A banana is a cheap fill up .. but I hate banana. Maybe a good thing on a week you have no time to SAVOUR anyway? just gobble down a banana as we do too .. WITH FOODS WE LOVE. Buy a Tim bit if you are trying to cut gluten. You will feel DISCIPLINED and therefore I control!
Tues. Sept. 27, 2022, 9:30 am
Who can afford the beef we love!? At the market ONE pATTY was 6$$$$$. And then UNIVERSE sent, I ACCIDENTALLY created the BEST "PLANT" .. REAL Burger ever. Because everything is GMO I ruined a potato bought with it. I washed it and left on counter. I guess it actually sat in a little water. (great just drink that evil water, no problem). It destroyed the potato .. it was all weird and explosive. Hopefully I did do a video to add later? I cut off the weird 1/3 of the potato, seriously? why have I never seen such a thing? very frightening! Was going to put the remaining 2/3 now not enough for a meal in a bag for later. I was frying the hamburger so I thought maybe I can caramelize the potato like ONION and stretch the hamburger to a few meals instead of 2. I cut it very thin slices to "caramelize" but found in its GMO state it still took ages to cook.
BUT .. the excitement is that last nite I had 1/3 more of the mess I created (the burger all fell apart) and having sat in the beef particles the potato just alone .. was deliciuos! I could pretend it was beef. Hah we can make our own "plant burger" .. stretch the meat with "carmelized" in beef fat potatoe! I always stretch steak etc with onions or mushrooms but they too have got expensive, if no time to slice onion myself. So now why buy a burger .. I am just going to check out loose hamburger. Buy good quality (NOT reduced fat!) beef on SALE, and then stretch it with potato! PS, though I do not really believe my cows are to blame! .. it means I AM reducing my (animal footprint).
Thanks GMO potato and toxic TO water, at least I am happy I am THWARTING the evil BEEF demonizing people and plant pushers. I say evil because they jump on an idea and NEVER THINK IT THROUGH FURTHER. That is exactly what has created the mess we are in .. NOT THINKING FURTHER!
Hah! These are the WOKE! nonsense! REAL Liberals or at least more contemplative people .. do NOT think this way! People who still have both brain hemispheres think carefully BEFORE acting .. or screaming! The other side in politics, "Left action brain" screamers ... Republicans do not think past profit and SIMPLE solutions. Life is COMPLICATED! There ARE NO SIMPLE SOLUTIONS! Just grow up and USE what is left of your brain .. if there is still any RIGHT THINKING Hemisphere left!
"Love is all we need" .. true, connection and care from others is GOLD. But how do we get selfish LEFT brains to care about others wellbeing when they live life as "me first, screw you?". They have no love for ANYTHING in the cosmos BUT SELF!!! "Me/mine, here and now" is their only focus. This makes life EASY. They win! We ever thinking R Br worriers LOSE because we consider other's wellbeing and the causes and consequences involved in the problem and its solution.
Those who BLITHELY say "just think positive, what can we do anyway?" are LAZY and irresponsible. Calling us Right brain worriers negative is such NERVE! They et confused by us because their brain is too simple to follow our LOGIC and common sense. If you screw the world every day, eventually you need to ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES. YES! our greed and simplicity caused nature to fall apart. Sure the dinosaurs were extinct by evolution .. but we SPED our demise so extremely and taking no responsibility is the PROOF no THINKING is happening!
HAH! so THEY use dinosaurs to prove no climate change .. yet they say they never existed because GOD WAS THE CREATOR. Unbelievable manipulative people, those simplistic Left brains!!
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Tues. Sept. 13, 2022. 5:00 pm .. note to self! check ORDER and completion of ideas
We can't be "healthy" if only able to pay rent AND eat with 2 jobs but no time to breathe! It seriously is beginning to look very much like a conspiracy to kill us! Every single thing in our society today IS DESTROYING OUR HEALTH. Are THEY totally stupid? evil? or are they aliens? We are dying here! .. thanks to the stress THEY create in our ability to gain security for living! Some young people actually want to commit suicide becaseu seeing every day will be a struggle for the whole future .. is very, very dismaying! That is so very sad! It was fine to work hard, even 2 jobs back in my day .. when it was possible to then do better, see more security and even a little PROSPERITY. 2 jobs today and still barely able to keep above water. This is NOT quality of life or any type of Societal HEALTH.
This "better future" HOPE is gone for far too many and that hopelessness destroys HEALTH! Never mind working 2 jobs just to scrape by. Stress destroys not just Emotional health, but also PHYSICAL Health. What we call "mental" health is really just PHYSICAL, another scam of twisting and stigmatizing. Our brain is a PHYSICAL part of our body and can MIS-function just like our lungs or heart. Why should it be special??
Yes it is the most amazing body part of all but .. We only misbehave for 2 reasons .. 1) brain is working poorly OR ..
we have been driven to despair and there are only 2 ways to go when the rage or sadness get too much! Murder (and sometimes suicide) are not done by people who have been fairly and kindly treated. (will need more explanation .. but "mental" is a con .. I suggest +right brains which are problematic THINERS for fast acting Left brains. Why not stigmatize us a "crazy". We have gone crazy becaseu we do not understand how you Left brain action people can be so DEVOID of intelligence and common sense!
I think I found a help, tech people will know. AIRPLANE MODE!! I know you are probably also using as alarm while apple gets to FRY your brain. Stupid people buy a new phone when apple commands us. so they WANT our brains fried. Maybe without the wifi, cell 5 G, searching thru your brain for connection you may save a little brain wiring? Turn it OFF too. Will our alarm ring if turned off? No? Then seriously it is a conspiracy to make us stupider. Come on .. google Apple and amazon OWN us .. we are their slaves. we are more trouble than robots so they want to ensure we are total ZOMBIES to not question their greed for profit and power motives.
Maybe just let the phone fry your brain?.. oh oh! Damn! Life is so much easier being STUPID! no worry re past or future .. only "ME/MINE, here! now!". We Thinkers worry re others, the future, and how the past can help us understand. it is a life of hell! Left brains are WARRIORS while we Right worry. Action Brains just merrily look after them SELF. Maybe we should just get stupid? eat processed food and sleep with your phone.
I guess if we decide we can not stop the destruction THEY have created, go ahead 5G obliterate your brains. We must remember though we did nothing to stop them. we LET them take over. Protests are crap. The way to stop them was NOT BUYING IN. Not to work for or buy from! So you can go to war with us greedy shallow Boomers if you like. We deserve it.
we have to give each other hope and remind there is the POSSIBILITY to prevent collapse if us quiet church mouse masses act together and take RESPONSIBILITY. Even balanced brains say " Just be positive". So if a train is coming at us and we are on the track we should just be positive? Yes .. we must keep our hope but it is time to ACT for the greater good or we will be left with THEIR greater good. And they do not want us pesky people around. Robots and A I are far less troublesome. WE can focus on our goal of saving humanity .. BUT still draw energy from each other and build each other up. There really must be more of us still kind and human nor=t selfish and SHALLOW. We can be positive energy although this is an alarming and URGENT time. Yes! we believe we deserve and act with the law of attraction .. the magic magnet that brings what we focus on.
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