Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Sat. Sept 17, 2022, 9:00 pm
add .. fake "democracy", J Joplin "freedom is just another word for NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE"!!
There is a virus FAR worse than covid. The REAL epidemic is our focus only on "extreme, more and competition". This is the real virus killing us. The toxins of "progress" have destroyed our brain and too many of us have not even noticed that those in power only want profit, NOT REAL Solutions.
Mon. Sept 19, 2022, 10:00 am (Queen's funeral in the background.)
If you are saying what the heck makes this arrogant person think they have a plan to "save the world"?? It is only because nothing about our society made sense to me, for about 60 years. So much obsessive wondering, investigating in curiosity, saying "..but why not do it this way instead" has developed a lot of ? new concepts and inventions. Then McGilchrist's DIVIDED BRAIN made it all clear and CONNECTED! To see if I am worth wasting time on, just skip down to the 8 numbered headings below, to see HOW we actually CAN create a new SYSTEM ... IF we collaborate and COMPROMISE .. TOGETHER. COMPROMISE, possible after lots of discussion, NOT DEMONIZATION! A knowledge of more Right? or Left? brain character helps us to FINALLY UNDERSTAND the problem!
We cannot be Totally Heathy even if we learn that toxins inflame our bodies .. unless we have a secure income. We cannot be Totally Healthy unless those we interact with, ALSO feel secure and not overwhelmed to panic. "Society" is made up of all of us Humans together, and quality of life suffers when most of us are stressed into anxiety. THEY (the .01%) get their wealth from us workers AND us CONSUMERS! Yet THEY do not respect or VALUE us! Our brains are truly fried because we ALL seem to have forgotten wealth is built PURELY on the little guy, the worker. Fried brains = Humanity's END.
Do we actually WANT to "save the world"? Are we willing to actually SACRIFICE? .. even if not convenient, easy or instant? We still have a little time before ROBOTS remove this opportunity from us. This is our last chance to USE OUR VALUE as a bargaining tool with those in power. We may already be too late. Why are SOOOO many even young people dying? Because we are STRESSED SICK! But that is very convenient for THEM (.01%). In 2030 it is predicted 50% of jobs will be gone. If we are dead we can't be UNRULY because we are starving with no work available. It is extremely urgent to act NOW ..not even tomorrow. Start by bringing back Personal Responsibility and discipline.
The only way for a society to exist successfully is when there is civil behaviour. Never mind "quaint manners", our CIVILITY is gone and we are losing our HUMANITY. Hopefully people are just "STRESSED selfish and shallow"? .. not really as horrible as they seem? Maybe we only focus on the very rude person, forgetting the 30 we passed who were STILL civil? We will BELIEVE that DECENT people are still the masses, and us quiet church mice are TAKING OVER!
Let's remove the OVERLOAD and OVERWHELM that ensure we are STRESSED selfish. Our "progress" is no longer creating quality of life, only destructive TOXINS of every imaginable type. We can regain our civility and perhaps SAVE HUMANITY, with a NEW System of TOTAL Societal Health.
This REVERSE WORLD SYSTEM was built over a lifetime of feeling one is on the WRONG planet, that nothing is LOGICAL or makes sense. A forever fascination with REAL Health, broadened into the realization that removing gluten and Processed Food would not be the TOTAL solution. We can eat kale and do yoga. But we will never have TOTAL Health unless we feel connected and secure with our income for shelter. After decades of development, we have at least a SKELETON FRAMEWORK for a new "TOTAL Societal Health" SYSTEM. Our SILO "systems " no longer function for the PEOPLE.
We scream about ridiculous insignificant things that matter little considering our BOAT is sinking! Do diversity or feminist complaints really matter, if we are truly GOING DOWN? Priorities people! The "YOUme" System is a solution to prevent our "societal ship" sinking. We can SACRIFICE, now and maybe prevent our sinking .. or just sink later, suffering far WORSE. Seems more LOGICAL to join up now, and SACRIFICE under our OWN CONTROL rather than THEIRS later? THEY do not NEED us .. they have their less troublesome Robots, drones and worshipped A I.
NOTHING WORKS! Not one system does what it is meant to do FOR US. My lifelong fascination has been why we go to a doctor to name a disease .. so we can get a prescription? Also fascinated with Architecture, I wondered why we do not just build our "LIFE" house, with better bricks that are DURABLE and last? This has evolved into a system that covers ALL we need for TOTAL Health, or quality of life. The Pioneers had NO SYSTEMS. We got too complicated, siloed everything and now NOTHING works for "we the people". The Founding Fathers are turning in their graves. This REVERSE SYSTEM, returns to Pioneer SIMPLICITY, and focuses on the MASSES quality of life being restored.
If you or your Corporation have an interest in REAL CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) .. REAL ESG as opposed to (white) washing, and virtue signalling a PRETENCE, then we would love to PARTNER with you. Reverse World will be a Partnership with the many "still human" Fortune 500 Corporations who are willing to become CERTIFIED as FAIR R3, C6 (R3.. Respect, Responsibility and BETTER RESOURCE management, C6 .. considering causes and consequences, contemplation, collaboration, compromise). Hopefully some still HUMAN large companies exist. They are willing to consider the VALUE of SOCIETAL QUALITY OF LIFE instead of just THEIR $$$ profit. Friedman and Rand gave them permission to be EVIL. Can we remind THEM that GOOD feels much better? Our only sacrifice is to AVOID Evil companies. Do not buy, OR work for them. They will quickly wake up to NOT BE EVIL.
EVERYTHING is duality, everything has a good and bad side. We must QUIT taking every single idea or invention to EXTREME. Women's lib was good .. but taken to extreme, it destroyed the family by not valuing its management. Cars were good, but driving to the corner store made us fat and wasteful of our resources. Just WALK! We have forgotten how to BALANCE ideas and inventions.
The internet could have created UTOPIA. Instead we have created a Digital Dystopia, unconnected "phone faced sheep ants", disconnected zombies following THEIR (our ruler's) Rules. Reverse World members will not be Mennonites, but we will use digital as a TOOL .. NOT AS LIFE ITSELF! In case you have not noticed, DIGITAL is LITERALLY killing us .. both physically (5G, stress increasing disease) and emotionally (HUMAN isolation, suicide). Never mind it then kills our traditional economy! Don't PRETEND things work better on screen! Just see ..watch when the grid goes down!
We have lost our MIND and SPIRIT and are on the verge of losing our SOUL, never mind our planet. Do you want a new iPhone and more SHALLOW apps? or a connected community of caring people helping each other succeed? .. WITHOUT THE STRESS OF 2 JOBS and forever student debt?
Nothing works! Education teaches little of value. (Do they WANT us stupid and feeling we have no control? Of course .. and I can prove it! Why has finding our talent area, or understanding hygiene, vs forcing a vax .. why would these NOT be taught? THEY are brain dead, evil 😈, or alien👽 ) Law and Order kills innocent people, Justice is not just, Health is CARE, not being well! Lets revamp all our systems "education", "health" , law and order and "justice" .. into one connected system that WORKS. The Pioneers did it, so can we! IF .. we hurry up and stop COMPLICATING everything to EXTREME.
Societal Health is a triangle (pyramid) of personal PHYSICAL Health, Emotional Health, and SYSTEMS and Economic Health. WE .. cannot be healthy .. unless our SOCIETY is! Our Society is sick .. with a virus far worse than covid = EXTREME everything + "me first, screw you" selfishness.
No disruption is necessary because when others less visionary see how much BETTER our SOLUTION is working, they will join us. The true evil? we will have to send them into space, or put in an "asylum"? Sorry but the "justice" system kills by decision, and THEY tell us who to kill in war. Why can only THEY chose who to kill? To survive, we may have to get rid of those that insist on KILLING US.
Why is "elimination" only fair when THEY chose us little guys for death? We will give several other choices, so it is THEIR decision not to comply. For us Right brain thinkers, addicts? crazies? THEY said we had FREE WILL. Now it is their turn to eat those words! If we church mice masses kill people, we go to jail or get the death penalty. THEY are killing us wih everything they do! How is this different.? Why can't we impart some JUSTICE? We at least are kind and DECENT enough to say REPENT and join us for good.🙏🏼 🫢. THEY have been killing us since processed food laced with sugar poison became so prevalent. THEY just expected it to kill our will power so we would BUY BUY BUY. But it had worse consequences, disabled all our brains from the balance of Thinking, and only then acting. (see Dr Ian McGilchrist) New Right/ Left brain research. "The DIVIDED Brain") Now they are killing us with incredible WORK stress! and dividing us! Oct. 3, 2022.
Sun. Sept. 18, 2022, 7:30 am
Left (more ACTION oriented) brains just think we Right brains are negative and problematic. They are actually CORRECT .. we need to QUIT WORRYING, calm down and build a better system. For the people who have CAUSED our decline (with shallow SILO solutions) to say we Thinkers are negative creates disrespect and division. We need to come together and create the Balanced Brain we LOST by SHARING each others skill. It is too late to say "That's the way it is, get over it". Left vs Right brain focused people are considered "WARRIORS vs Worriers". It is URGENT to recognize this! LEARN about this BRAIN division .. because it is the cause of DEMONIZATION, instead of DISCUSSION, the start of Civil War. INSTEAD of dividing we must use each others ASSET, to balance what we used to each have .. our BALANCED HUMAN BRAIN POWER. The shallow action skill of the "just do it" L Br. mentality, must be BALANCED with the "but, what about if ..?" of the Right Brain person. TOGETHER sharing our separate "DIVIDED brain" resource we may still be able to build this new system in time.
"Total Societal Heath" consists of Physical, Emotional and Economic and systems HEALTH.
Here are the 8 skeleton steps we can take to fix our crumbling systems. Each new invention Development section will partner with the expertise of that area. We work together collaboratively.
Mon. Sept 19, 2022, 8:30 pm.
Don't stay on the hamster wheel like I did ever day, seeing new proof that toxins have destroyed our BRAIN WIRING. Let's form a new habit .. not being SHOCKED daily at stupidity. But sadly evy day something worse proves it. I think though today everything seemed to fall in line with Mcgilchrits Divided Brain! Instead of shock/ panic I said HAH! perfect example of PROOF of Left /Right brain! I was excited instead becaseu if we spread this knowledge it may save much conflict! We just have to learn to be compassionate for Left brain DISABILITY. We too are disabled, unable to decide! 🐢
Today a perfect example of Left brain CRAZY! From Buffalo, 19 year old at college kid in TAMPA Fla. getting into the wrong car thinking it was his uber? .. driver shot and killed him. That's fine, he was scared and 2nd? amendment right, right?🤔 WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH US?? Why was the door unlocked if so fearful? Why did he not scream with the gun BEFORE shooting?? And he is probably getting off scot free. That is a still human society??
But how much energy did I just withdraw from my "Life bank", I am exhausted just thinkng about the insanity. Worse .. how much energy did I steal from your Life Bank account? 100% we have to DO something different or we are done .. BUT my screaming all day gets us nowhere. Don't be me .. I am my own insanity wasting all this energy RANTING!! Let's ACCEPT, BREATHE and put our energy to WORK WITH THE SOLUTIONS BELOW.
Just be positive sounds so shallow at this point in our "modernization". But it is true, save our energy for solving the many problems instead. It sounds IDIOTIC because a train is coming .. FAST and we are warning the oblivious, that we must figure out how to get off the track!
Or .. our ship is sinking. Will "be positive" help? Maybe .. I have had unexplainable things happened in my life .. like my MAGIC CAR I loved, coming back to me from the junkyard. And I never even believed my repeated "prayers".
Re adopt the "Law of Attraction" that was so popular. Use it for us to ACCOMPLISH, like a MAGIC MAGNET. I PROVED its existence 3 times in my life! Never even BELIEVED what I was hoping for! Yet it came into being! It really must be a SCIENTIFIC LAW .. just like gravity! I call it the magic magnet god gave us so we could all achieve a good life. (He is not a puppet master, leaves it to us.) If Left brain less thoughtful action people USUALLY gain "success", then us Right brain broader thinkers must focus more on WINNING too. Our successes will be more REAL, long term success. We want to understand the causes of the problem and the consequences of our SOLUTION's ACTIONS. More "Right Brain Hemisphere focused" people may be slower 🐢 .. But we win the GOOD race, not the fast SHALLOW race to a "solution" that eventually destroys everything . 🐰
There is another HOPE! Let's believe the demonizing screamers are a SMALL part of the population. They are the 2 outside onion layers 1 brittle, 1 elastic) that we discard. Us real "Thinker discussers" are the white useful onion layers. Action Left brains are very necessary .. but FIRST do some contemplation BEFORE acting. Let's believe most of us still have a little balanced brain wiring, and we can STILL DISCUSS OPPOSING VIEWS CIVILY .. AND THEN COMPROMISE. We will build a new WIN WIN SYSTEM to replace the current "win/ lose" society of greed, competition and EXTREME. There are more of us than THEM .. those whose only mission is more power and profit. Together focusing on the POSITIVE "magic magnet", we the people CAN build a new and better SYSTEM.
A ) FIRST .. Control our BODY and it leads to MIND control
Breathing, gratitude, yoga are all wonderful. While we were screaming our boat is sinking, these seemed so horribly shallow. I was always confused with that whole area. I knew amazing but just seemed so shallow and "me first" SELFISH when the world is ending! But as part of "ACCEPTING life is a mess" #1, we then need to FEEL, we still have some control in our life. Does our despair, anxiety and panic come from feeling POWERLESS?
Breathing is a great to help us feel we HAVE control of SOMETHING. "HAH! I can control my body! You can't control me! Screw you overlords, I WIN!" Deep breathing PHYSICALLY calms the body. But then we also feel a sense of having PERSONAL control, giving a further feeling of CALM! Use BREATHING to care for our body which then helps our MIND and then SPIRIT! We can go forward with a clear mind to create ACTION FOR CHANGE! First just empty our mind. Clear the jumble of WORRY to nothingness .. just breathing. Then our body mind calm and clear ..we will BUILD our plan.
The harder part now .. is to take control of our SELF, our actions or NON action! We must RE learn Personal RESPONSIBILITY and how to SACRIFICE. To regain control we will HAVE TO practise WILL POWER. I believe somehow WILLPOWER is harder for more Right brain people. So together we will coach each other to more discipline. I think we are disciplined toward OTHERS, (CONSIDERATE!). We just are not for our OWN WELL BEING. What do you think? This sacrifice will involve NOT supporting evil companies EVEN if it is INCONVENIENT. There're so many movies I would love to watch but if they are SAPPLE or AMAZON no way. I won't go to Whole Foods anymore since Bezos bought. Most important we have to RELERn the word conserve! Plant burger" electric cars? What a JOKE! How about we consider our personal wastefulness and disrespect instead of virtue signalling with our plant burger. Do Not blame the mess on my cows! Ludicrous!
not protest or even separate strike but a mass strike .. all of us together
bring others in so it is NATIONAL, but community connected
When I say we must act .. and act quickly I do not mean a protest. I mean something that will HURT them. Without us lowly workers they get NO PROFIT. We make them their billions and we buy their stuff. Without us they are in big trouble.
But don't worry Fortune 500's Management reading this! You have a choice .. you get to choose whether you want that strike or to become a partner in our FAIR mission. Your workers will come to you, to ask if you want to become FAIR Certified. If not, we will quit buying from you, and try not to work for you. If you pay FAIR taxes, treat employees with REAL respect, and work to manage our SHARED LIFE RESOURCES better, while STILL being truly philanthropic vs virtue signalling .. then you have no worry. MAY 1 will REMIND those not willing to be FAIR, that THEIR profit comes totally from our WORK and buying from you! A 1000$ purchase from rich buddies is great, but you forget we are 99% and bazillions of us times 2$ is far more of your revenue. Please Partner with us now. You could even snag FOUNDING FAIR Partner. In fact, why not help set up the actual CERTIFICATION?
If you are planning to be a personal Member of REVERSE WORLD, just a HUMAN, please set aside this DATE .. MAY 1, 2023 Workers of the world unite from 1800's! (later link). Please share this idea with everyone you know. We do not have a lot of time. Share with everyone so your local area can start planning and communicating. By Christmas we will design some items for all to utilize.
Members have only one (rule) STANDARD to follow vs set in stone simplicity. Be Fair, be decent, put OTHERS first not your own selfish desires (YOUme). Screaming, when you will scare the person next to you, (like the monster children 11 floors below) is NOT being civil or even human? members must take responsibility , be respectful also to SELF and share good resource management.
not protest or even separate strike but a mass strike .. all of us together
bring others in so it is NATIONAL, but community connected
What used to be sponsors will buy our products and services but with the ability to say they are FAIR CERTIFIED. Instead of sometimes fake publicity this is real and monitored, hopefully with Block chain ledger. Companies can simply buy the product OR pay for their name to be associated with our work. TRUE CSR and ESG instead of virtue signalled nonsense. They will pay for proving they are REAL .. FAIR companies. Their revenue, or partnership pays for our Non Profit "Church" .. Library cafe Education centre and later collaborative Housing with new share / trade ECONOMY.
add Step 1 .. to build our OWN ECONOMY that works for US not them
Mon. Oct 3, 2022. 8:00 pm
YOUme Reverse World begins as a Digital Community. As we get Organizations and Corporations partnering and PAYING for REAL "doing good", (instead of virtue signalled CSR/ ESG), we develop the CHURCH LIBRARY CAFE location. This is a space where we learn what we SHOULD have learned in school. How to stretch Resources and actually find NEW replacement Resources we FORGOT, in our "ONLY time and money is valued" society. There will be daily features of a food that saves us money and simplicity and SCARCITY will be the main teaching. Opposite to regular cafes we will go back to 2 choices! STrange how we have such complex cogg=ffe but our quality of life is nothing compared then we had a REGULAR plain old coffee. We have MORE of EVERYTHING, except quality of life. At The CHURCH Library cafe we learn how to get it back while connecting. If we learn how to CONSERVE before we have to .. we will feel so prepared when the looming problems actually begin.
CONSERVING = less irresponsibility and entitlement, but MORE shared respect and quality of life. Our first Template communities will be perfected, to then be replicated in other areas. Unlike a franchise each will be customized to its specufuc location and members. But the basic FAIR Standards must be met by members and replicated locations.
As preparation for our Blockchain collaborative we learn what our special skills are, to trade with those with expertise in other areas. Later these will become part of our Life Ledger where everyone gets basic living in return for putting in resources. Industry careers developed include ..
We build a REAL collaborative where everyone contributes and everyone receives food and shelter. Not socialism or communism (But if you are thinkng that you would not still BE HERE!) .. just no homeless or starving people. Because they contribute their individual skill and are VALUED. If you want more than basic you can work more, work weekends or nights, or work less safely and be paid more. We don't even care if you have a yacht and jet .. just pay workers enough to shelter AND eat, don't pollute or waste, AND pay FAIR taxes plus still be philanthropic. How do those people seriously sleep at night? I aim to prove they are alien, evil or BRAIN DEAD .. no longer human because brain DISABLED. (I feel quilt having a 7$ starbucks walking past a homeless person, how do they seriously live with themselves? "he should have worked hard like me .. free will you know!" Sure! but we are not all as PERFECT as you MR Evil.
add "Little island" Diller/ RIKERS!)
and IF .. we are willing to sacrifice, for a little while. We EACH need to be disciplined and personally responsible. We are NOT "special" as in ..having our dog off leash, or screaming for NO GOOD REASON. I now just yell at people " You are NOT special" Unfortunately if I am yelling that they will never change their feeling that they ARE. Selfish? Self Absorbed? "me first, screw you" attitude .. get the hell off our island! I am so happy a neighbour answered "YES!!" when I yelled at her DO YOU THINK YOU ARE SPECIAL." I was shocked at the old hag, but how PERFECT was that. Of course those people think they are better and deserve more. What an idiot question. She was just HONEST in her answer. Selfish arrogant people usually pretend they are nice.
YET! There is always a "BUT!" I do think now, watching people and my own daughter some of them just are honestly completely UNAWARE o the damage they leave in their wake. Obliviousness is not as evil as selfish .. but there has to be HEART felt remorse. When there is not that is further on the scale to evil. WE should all look after our SELF but then it moves down a scale toward EVIL. OUR Reverse World Definition of EVIL = Not caring WHATSOEVER, about other's wellbeing when it is YOU causing their struggle! Dismissing struggling people with .. "They should have worked harder, like I did!" is the beginning of the evil scale. (Going on an $8000 4 day cruise, saying that as food bank asks for support .. is heading to being satan.) Unfortunately NON humans must be ?detained. (How about a CONSCIOUSNESS camp?? There have been a lot of evil things done in the name of "power" .. why can we not do mean things IF THEY ERRADICATE evil?)
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TIME lost TODAY, can never be INVESTED Tomorrow