Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
WE have lived the last decades on excess and EXTREMES of everything. Now we even see it in the demonization of opposing views. Instead of thinking/ listening /HEARING and learning, then reconsidering with DISCUSSION .. we merely simplify to DIVIDE SIDES. Moderation and Balance are what a CONSCIOUS human exhibits. WE are losing our humanity as we lose our ability to DISCUSS, compromise and collaborate.
Sun. Sep 4. 2022. 9:30 pm ..Or virtue signalling or "karen? .. confused
show criticized for parking in disabled spot. "but we rented the lot" .. apparently doesn't matter .. you are brain dead. Your truth is IDIOT. YES! They parked in a disabled spot .. you could say .. "it mistakenly gives viewers the impression that this is ok to do" .. but my first reaction is "OMG perfect opposite screamers? NOT real Thinkers at all. or are they just LEFT. But left usually does not care about the other guy .. only self. So yes I think opposite screamers. Is a Kare an opposite screamer?
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Tues. Aug 30, 2022, 12:00 noon
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Please ALWAYS remember in this writing, that everything is a SPECTRUM, not white and black but GREY. I will speak of R L brain people ..but hopefully most of us are IN THE MIDDLE .. still somewhat BALANCED! I am always speaking of the side we fall on .. still more balanced we can DISCUSS and come to COMMON GROUND. But politicians no longer do that, so they need to be out. That system no longer works except for those willing to balance each others opposing viewpoints to LEARN!
Why do you think rich and powerful people are LEFT brains. Liberals USED TO HAVE A BIT MORE BALANCED Hemispheres but now all of them just want secure wealth and/ or power.
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