Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
add pyramid diagram Wed. Aug 31, 2022. 5:30 pm
Extreme, excess of EVERYTHING, constant desire for MORE, never ending COMPETITION .. all run by a power structure only interested in profit, does NOT create a truly "human" culture. First we lost our manners and CLASS. Then we lost our civility and any ability to "Just STOP 'extreming' everything!!".
Now we are on the verge of losing our HUMANITY. Humans are special becaseu they have another layer of consciousness. (I must learn more). Does this mean we are able to THINK more deeply and have a spirit and soul? We are quickly losing our "heart" and soul. I need to learn empathy becaseu young people certainly have been left with so much STRESS from insecurity of everything.
It is easy to become SHALLOW and SELFISH with the overload of today .. and the OVERWHELM it then creates. When you are just trying to SURVIVE, it is hard to think of others and future consequences of our fast ACTIONS to survive. If you are STRESSED Selfish in trying to just survive, you are welcome to join our efforts TO IMPROVE OUR QUALITY OF LIFE. Selfish is the beginning of a scale toward evil. Those who are just inherently "me/mine, here, now" are NOT WELCOME HERE, sorry. UNLESS .. you are willing to try to make your thinking disabled brain try harder. If you are willing to LISTEN, HEAR, LEARN AND RECONSIDER your viewpoint, you are welcome. We will not be demonizing, we will be DISCUSSING to find solutions that COMPROMISE. In USA Politics those that demonize do not discuss to COLLABORATE. And America will soon be DONE, unless sharing of opposite right left BRAIN RESOURCES happens. Only a BALANCED brain works!
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Wed.Sept. 28, 2022, 3:00 pm
But if that was communicated we could not dismiss us THINKERS as "insane". Let's destroy the stupid power play stigma! Depression and suicide may just be Right brain Thinkers, that see how hopeless our arrogant behaviour is. But maybe when we have been ignored and bullied for decades we lash OUTWARD and become the mass murders? I sadly feel rage today at being ignored and now I get to say "Told you so" but I have to deal with our collapse along with those who would NOT listen!
It is frightening when our society has so devolved that little old ladies want to murder selfish mean thoughtless (evil) inhumanity .Don't worry I have no gun, explosives or even car to use as weapon! I can only explode my words at people. Hmm? So that is what I am doing? Bombing people with the anger I should have expressed over 7 decades!! (Thanks Carlos! black truck parked, Wed am Sept 28, 2022)
Always remember I am mostly talking about those in power who are selfish shallow gone to EVIL. There are way more kind considerate humans, but we only hear the evil, screaming, elitist arrogance.
Wake up people. Something is very WRONG here. Why no teaching of hygiene or sanitation but the world is shut down for germs of a virus?????
We need security and continuity to feel calm and relaxed. young people have NO SUCH THING. Change is NOT good. All these stupid sayings are made up by Left brains!
But maybe that was just another way of saying we are ALL together the ATMOSPHERE. Whether we mean the resultant energy vibration or the space we occupy!
Hah! Those screaming outer onion layer "humans" (the brittle brown layer/ Left brain and the elastic inner layer, SHALLOW Right brain) .. THEY CREATE OUR ATMOSPHERE (or MATTER?)! Those screaming demonizing the other make us BELIEVE that is our society!!! They have conned us into THEIR world. NO! we take back the REAL "We are in this together" for US .. our REVERSE World, revised capitalism and "democracy" SYSTEM. we can get richer if it is important to us .. but each of us has value and respect to eat and be sheltered. In return that person is happy to contribute their talent to the group. It is SIMPLE! Why is everything so complex? Maybe becaseu it confuses us and having to work 2 jobs we just BEHAVE OURSELVES.
WE ARE NOT BEHAVING OURSELVES ANYMORE, little "sheep ants" in control are rebelling NOW. Screw strikes and protests .. we have to work together EVERY DAY making change! Protests are quite shallow .. a fun day to speak up. What is needed is SACRIFICE! actually taking RESPONSIBILITY and creating inconvenience in our life. will any of us actually give up some comfort to gain MORE later? We just have to quit the EXTREME and re balance, not give up everything. To us it will feel like turning MENNONITE but it is the only way.
Let us try very hard to never work for evil companies or businesses and do NOT support them. I would love to watch "Succession" but it is amazon evil .. so NO WAY. We have to sacrifice or we are done. Easier to sacrifice NOW, before the robots makes us even LESS respected and valued. Too late then babies. I am a baby too, so don't be insulted. We either grow some B .. S, take responsibility and SACRIFICE or it is over. They are literally DESTROYING our humanity. We do not need to worry re climate change because humans will do THEMSELVES in long before (as in very soon!)
Protests and matches do nothing. s you enjoy a fun day shutting down traffic and having people cheer you on! So what? REFUSING TO WORK FOR EVIL COMPANIES .. and for sure not USE THEM actually makes them PAY ATTENTION and even SUFFER .. as they have made workers suffer more and more for decades! When their bottom line, their PRECIOUS PROFIT is reduced by us not buying or people quitting becaseu customer service is so BAD .. they will think about us as other than the "sheep ants" they have created. Yes! they have systematically FRIED our brains. First with sugar in every food and lying what cause heart disease. And you believe them about covid?
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