Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
Time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of our lives!
We are "nobody" .. because to those in power, we are only painful trouble makers they need to put up with .. UNTIL ROBOTS CAN MAKE THEM THEIR PROFIT. Notice their are no PEOPLELESS coffee and pizza joints? Horrifying world!! Why would I buy coffee or lunch from a splashy big machine business. People are what make humanity and every person is SPECIAL .. has special TALENTS and skills. But do you notice we are not taught to EXPLORE what our actual EXPERTISE is?
I say I am nobody, that we are not "special" becaseu we are ALL THE SAME. All the diversity GARBAGE is only meant to SEPARATE us. Even men and women are now against each other! So who am I? I am the BOSS of my organization .. and my .. OUR community says we are all THE SAME! We all just want to be valued and respected, and not be stressed every day insecure in everything in our life! We are just human beings .. but some have lost brain power and become too selfish. SELFISH? .. is NOT welcome here. 3 strikes and you are OFF THE ISLAND!
So we are all every one of us NOT special .. we are all THE SAME .. hopefully kind giving HUMANS. BUT .. we are also all DIFFERENT not in skin colour, or home country (or stupid sexual "whatever" nonsense causing conflict) BUT IN THE SKILLS GOD GAVE US. How strange we have never been taught to DAILY investigate who we are as far as what we love to do and are therefore GOOD AT. Start looking at EVERYTHING as a plot by the wealthy to ONLY profit. NONE of our systems work for US .. WE the People. (B. Franklin and his buddies are so sad!)
Wed. Sept. 7, 2022, 1:00 pm
I think my mom died that Oct when I was 9. My brother studying Law brought me to his university friends from the Farm to see TO.'s Santa parade. At Eaton's where he worked part time, I saw the perfect beautiful girls at those make up counters, (they still have today at the Bay and Saks) .. and I wondered what her response would be if I said "my mom just died." With her made up perfection I decide she would say "Oh .. wait a minute, I think I forgot to put on my perfume when I did my eyes!"
Wow thank you for being my pretend friends (Therapy?) .. 66 years and I never thought of how the answer to all my questions was the same as her REACTION. Shallow, selfish, never really hearing!!
That is so weird eh? Everything wrong in the world is becaseu people whose brains do not THINK and evaluate TOOK OVER. Once Friedman said only profit counts it was fair game to go wild and obliterate any value other than the almighty DOLLAR. I have news people. We have a hell of a lot more important resources or assets or values than MONEY! everything is falling apart becaseu we forgot that. All we care about is buying the latest greatest fastest .. and MORE. Now we have to pay for our SHALLOW BEHAVIOUR!!
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Sorry this is a lie! I must have only started asking that later. BUT .. if you count my believing the new PRESCRIBING OF DRUGS was idiocy .. then yes back in the 50's! Becaseu I love Architecture (Art and design) and history .. as well as fascination with HEALTH, those 3 now I realize only now always combined!! Another site deals with finding your special talent. Mine is taking completely divergent (social) problems and throwing them together to create inventive solutions. PLEASE do not wait 75 years to find your skill! Finding your talent area NOW, is the most important thing for you to STUDY! (link) I finally feel completely confident in my work and NOW people will pay me for my expertise. when we are bumbling along unsure .. NO ONE LISTENS TO US. (add later, see Phila biggest sale ART TV)
So yes as a pre teen I could not understand why we build buildings to be strong and "heathy" but we had started eating CRAP processed food right along with prescribing drugs for illness. Why not just eat healthy natural god given things?? OHHH .. I am so brilliant .. if only I had not lived with put down people my genius could have been use DECADES AGO. It was lack of confidence and belief in myself that wasted all this time! So my main mission here is to have YOU find your genius .. and I don't care if it is cleaning windows. Do you know how much you are needed? all the stupid window buildings with no plan whatsoever how to actually CLEAN them!!
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But there are already many books on that including "the DEATH ofCommon SENSE" which is exactly what happens when you have no Right Thinkng Brain wiring remaining. Or there is just MORE left wiring. Hopefully your Right Thinkng wiring can be re engaged or we may have to get rid of you. a YOUme elimination. Left brains are UNABLE to put others first .. they are disabled. So now we "mentally ill" RIGHT brain thinkers get to put the "just do it" insensitive selfish people in the ASYLUM they had for us.
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Tues. Aug. 30, 9:00 pm.
I swear I can take problems and show them together like magic and they solve themselves. eg kids latch key .. lonely grandma. Maybe taking liabilities and turning them into ASSETS! Alone my scared kids and that sad grandma were LIABILITIES in our neighbourhood .. plus 2 worried parents! 5 "withdrawals" of our life energy vibration from our NEIGHBOURHOOD BANK. Society is like a bank of resources, assets (deposits) and liabilities (withdrawals) creating our positive BALANCE or debt NEGATIVE. WE have been only withdrawing from society's bank account or stock market for 1/2 plus CENTURY. What do we expect but BANKRUPCY and loss of our Total Societal HEALTH
Tues. Aug. 30, 9:00 pm.
I swear I can take problems and show them together like magic and they solve themselves. eg kids latch key .. lonely grandma. Maybe taking liabilities and turning them into ASSETS! Alone my scared kids and that sad grandma were LIABILITIES in our neighbourhood .. plus 2 worried parents! 5 "withdrawals" of our life energy vibration from our NEIGHBOURHOOD BANK. Society is like a bank of resources, assets (deposits) and liabilities (withdrawals) creating our positive BALANCE or debt NEGATIVE. WE have been only withdrawing from society's bank account or stock market for 1/2 plus CENTURY. What do we expect but BANKRUPCY and loss of our Total Societal HEALTH
Seriously my poor kids had to put up with my brain always flying around on "why? .. but what if we did it this way? Wouldn't that work better?" I knew I was creative and inventive .. but never even knew what PHILOSOPHY was. I guess my OBSESSION (talent?) is "why can't life work BETTER for MORE of us" and setting about DESIGNING "systems" that can make our lives better! Not stupid useless apps. REAL BETTER, like a secure income and less change and overwhelm!
I guess I am a sort of writer, but more like a manual DEVELOPER! Because I believe now I am kind of a SYSTEM DESIGNER, an architect but also and ARCHITECTURAL BUILDER of better LIFE plans, not just concrete tower building plans. But why am I 75!! STILL struggling to find what I am good at??? 18 years in school and debt even way back, to learn WHAT? certainly not the most important stuff we REALLY need. How is that not weird. It is a plot to keep us POWERLESS, so THEY can keep all the power themselves. Well we are going to change that .. and FAST.
Just as I have my special talent and skill (that no body LISTENS to!) so do you. Together sharing our special skills we can build a new society with a SYSTEM that actually creates quality of life! Nobody listens to my rantings becaseu I do not K.I.S.S (. ) I need to SIMPLIFY .. but see I found a guy a decade ago that could actually;lly understand my divergent MEANDERINGS .. but his skill was making things brief and concise. Now with my right brain left brain research I realize how important that would be .. for someone to help MAKE MY DESIGN SYSTEMS more simple. People are overhwlemd and overloaded with. stress and change. They don t have the patience my blathering require. SOOOO .. I have a great deal I can contribute with my GENIUS SYSTEM DESIGN TALENT .. but it is garbage without the many people who could actually build the system. An architect draws up the plan, the designer in me perfects it .. but a developer and construction people actually make it happened. So who am I .. nobody unless you help me. Together we can create a better revised capitalism and democracy with quality of life for all. Being wealthy amidst injustice and chaos is NOT REALLY WEALTH. Quality of life is REAL wealth. Your yacht and mansion is nothing when you are afraid they angry masses will attack you. Money is nothing. We are going to relearn REAL resources the REALL assets we have that make life amazing.
I want to "Build a better mouse trap" of everything. But a mouse trap was needed! What we invent today is mostly NONSENSE frivolous crap. Sorry guys. Nobody told me I am good at DESIGNING things. I knew I loved INTERIOR design but it was actually life design I wanted to DESIGN BETTER! My ACTION is not just complaining .. but setting about to FIX what I am complaining about. Never realized I was not really interested in design for ART as much as design for CONVENIENCE. REAL convenience .. not shallow nonsense.
Like not having to walk 3 ft extra every time you go to your bathroom architectural PLAN EFFICIENCY. You can put your energy to more important things than just WASTE it! O M G .. Everything in my brain revolves around WASTE, convenience as in efficient life bank balance and societal bank balance!! This is scarry .. I am freakin 75 and the talent I have is just BEGINNINg to glimmer in the far reaches of my brain. Our education system is one TOTAL waste! We should be "educated" to find what we are AWESOME at instead of wasting lives and reducing the value of our societal "stock market"!!
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